
讀書記錄 2015

(2016-03-15 22:09:31) 下一個


The Boys in the Boat / Daniel James Brown
The Associate / John Grisham
The Litigators / John Grisham
The Garden in The Evening Mists / Tan Twan Eng
The Best of Connie Willis: The Award Winning Stories / Connie Willis
All He Ever Wanted / Anita Shreve (didn't finish the reading)
The Expats / Chris Pavone
Gone Tomorrow / Lee Child
The View From The Seventh Layer / Kevin Brockmeier
Backstage / Nikki Turner
Dark Places / Gillian Flynn
A Map Of Betrayal / Jin Ha
Eyes on You / Kate White
Sharp Objects / Gillian Flynn
1st to Die / James Patterson
A Ship Made of Paper / Scott  Spencer
Money-Driven Medicine (non-fiction) / Maggie Mahar
Betrayal / Danielle Steel
Love Story, with Murder / Harry Bingham
41: A Portrait of My Father (non-fiction) / George W Bush 
The Start-up Of You (non-fiction) / Raid Haffman
失樂園 / 男人這東西 / 異戀 / 不分手的理由 / 野嵩園 / 渡邊純一
紅樓夢 / 曹雪芹 (第四遍)
不二 / 馮唐
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