

Ashton's Pre School Days - 2010-07-20

(2012-05-02 15:55:44) 下一個

休了一個月的假,國慶節後的那天就上班了。Kyle 回家後由婆婆帶,Ashton 3 歲了,是時候去上學了。雖然 Ashton 是個挺獨立的孩子,要他自己一個人去學校從早上9點到上6點,免會哭的。據說在國內的孩子去上學都不會哭的,而美國的孩子都會哭的。好奇怪!?

Ashton 第一二天都沒有哭,第三天始就不行了。 When I was dropping him off the school, he was sitting in the car seat, tearing and refused to get off of the car. But Ashton is a boy pretty easy to comfort. He stopped crying in a minute. Then he entered his classroom, he cried again, and kept saying “I wanna go home!” His teacher, Miss Carla, came and hold him to the playground (because it’s still early for the class), and asked me just leave. She was right, right after I left the classroom, Ashton stopping crying, like a magic. Haha………

That's the only day he cried when I dropped him off. After that he was fine everyday in the morning. However, Ashton still a 3 year old boy, he pretended to be sad and showed me some tears when I go pick him up in the school everyday till today. It’s just so funny, coz his teacher said he just doing good the whole day in the school. 哈,看來他太會撒嬌了!


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