放心, 他早死了!
(2007-02-24 19:20:12)
有個同事被一場離婚官司折磨得整個變了一個人. 原本是寬容, 幽默, 充滿愛心的, 現在卻張嘴閉嘴咒人死.
情人節後有位女子訂了婚, 秘書買了張賀卡請大家簽名. 當我把我簽好了的卡片交給這位仁兄的時候, 他看了看卡, 突然冒出一句:
"Whoever invented marriage, he or she better be dead!"
"Steve, believe me, he is dead. He died long time ago." I replied, couldn't believe what I had just heard.
"How do you know it was he not she?"
"Believe me, Steve, it was he. I can bet you 1 million dollars."
"I want him to die again!"
還有其他人沒簽, 我怎麽偏偏給了他!