涮吧 涮吧
(2006-12-23 19:11:19)
孩子他爸愛吃火鍋, 但一直叫它 "shabu shabu". 幾次心平氣和地勸他改叫 hot pot, 但都不見效. 我也便忍了. 不曾想今天, 他除了接著叫 shabu shabu, 居然問我: " Do you think it was originated in Japan and you guys learnt from them?"
除了炸醬麵和烤鴨, 我就愛火鍋. 你膽敢胡說這是跟日本學的? 我吸了口氣, 心平氣和地說:"I think it is the other way around. They learnt from us. Becuse we call it 涮吧 涮吧 in Chinese. It is like bonsai, we call it 盆栽. Got it?"