
淺談炒股的節奏感 (Trading Tempo)

(2012-03-31 11:45:43) 下一個

股市 不外三種狀態, up, down, range。


節奏 #1, in your time frame ( 1 min, 5 min, 30 min, daily chart)

 Use your TA criterior, 確定股市在哪一個 state/階段.


節奏 #2,  確定 state/階段後, monitor state change 否?

 - 在上升階段,for down movement, it‘s a pull back or reversal? Use your TA criterior to determine it in real time。 After that, 加倉, exit trade or 轉身。

 - Apply the same principle to Range or 下降階段。


節奏 #3: Stay with trade (up, down or range)

 - if the pattern continues and let profit run


節奏 #4 : Regardless how good you're, you'll make mistakes

  -  Have a pre-determined way to exit a bad/lose trade



A trader devotes his/her life time to perfect one's trading tempo。

Nevertheless, trading 是一種遺憾的藝術, 你感覺總是在 make mistakes。

However, you're a successful trader if you can make consistent money, and improve,

stick to and execute your trading plan.



還有, trading tempo 的培養, 很多在股市之外, 在於自己的身心的調節與培養, a steady, focused and decisive personality。



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