這段很有戲劇性的場景裏,Gabriel吹的那首曲子,是意大利電影配樂大師Ennio Morricone的作品。這首曲子采用大調,以緩慢的長音音階開始,以不斷重複上行的旋律展開,5.-32-21-1---, 5.-32-211---, 好像是Gabriel自己誌向的表達,感覺裏麵有一種堅韌不拔的精神,有一種崇高的宗教情懷。Gabriel’s Oboe這首曲子,也許沾了電影的光,它像穿越雲層,照在湖心的一束光,雖然不是耀眼奪目,卻讓世間有了別樣的美麗,就像這首曲子的另一個名字:On earth as it is in heaven。
更火的是1998年Sarah Brightman改編的歌《Nella Fantasia》 ("In My Fantasy"), 歌詞是這樣:
In my imagination I see a fair world, Everyone lives in peace and in honesty there. I dream of souls that are always free, Like the clouds that fly, Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
In my imagination I see a bright world, Even the night is less dark there. I dream of souls that are always free, Like clouds that fly.
In my imagination there exists a warm wind, That breathes on the cities, like a friend. I dream of souls that are always free, Like clouds that fly, Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.