
他鄉聲韻變: My heart is lost in Shangri-La

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他鄉聲韻變: My heart is lost in Shangri-La




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歌詞 : My heart is lost in Shangri-La


作者 : Guihua Jiu 2025.1.14


I saw Kawagebo Snow Mountain


Standing proudly on the Yunnan-Tibet Plateau


My heart is lost in Shangri-La


The wind blows like an ancient call


Nima stone carving my wish


Blessing the peace of the world


Follow the long procession of pilgrims


Worshiping the sacred mountain accumulates faith


Ancient legends touch my heartstrings


Thousands of thoughts are spreading like clouds


Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory


Wisdom enlightens me and allows me to follow fate


Nima stone carving my wish


Wisdom enlightens me and allows me to follow fate


My heart is lost in Shangri-La


Worshiping the sacred mountain accumulates faith 


作曲和演唱都是SONO AI 完成的。


說明 : 


1,Kawagebo Snow Mountain卡瓦格博峰雪山是雲南省的第一高峰,全世界公認的最美麗的雪山,被譽為“雪山之神”,海拔6740米。在藏傳佛教裏,卡瓦格博讚神傳說是噶舉派的保護神,位居藏區八大神山之首,每年有數十萬滇、藏、川、青、甘等地乃至尼泊爾等國的信徒前往朝山轉經。


2,Yunnan-Tibet Plateau滇藏高原




4,Nima stone 瑪尼石(Marnyi Stone)石用焚文,尼瑪石用其它文字。

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