  • 博客訪問:

3/30 星期三

(2011-03-29 22:45:23) 下一個

地震,海嘯,核輻射,3個出現頻率最高的詞,在每一天的媒體報道中和網絡言論混戰中。對於我來說,似乎意義不大。地震,那天我經過了,恐懼,也感受過了,人還活著,覺得真好,更加無比熱愛生活。海嘯很遠,在電視上看到,重新考慮自己將來要住在海邊的打算。核輻射,似乎沒有感覺,每天打開電視都是專家們在反反複複討論各種可能性,各種媒體都在散布恐慌情緒,然後呢?不吃不喝,逃到火星去?我不是核工業專家,與其自己給自己製造恐慌情緒,我寧願相信專業人士會盡力做好他們的工作。在我的issue list裏,排在前三位的是,current project, diet, kevin.

Current project... I even have no idea where to start, its way too frustrating. Not in a mood to talk about it, but I do really expect a big promotion and pay raise next year, for all the effort and extra hours.

Diet, oh... man, its painful! 也不知道前一陣我的食欲為什麽那麽好,再加上從聖誕節到新年一直不停的drink nights, 我的體重直線上升。本來我打算完全無視這種狀況,但月初的時候回國見到父母,竟然連他們都說我‘肉好像多了點兒’,我老爸的原話。實在打擊太大,痛下決心,減肥。非常胖的人減肥很容易見效,但我離非常胖還有很大的距離,隻是一些extra weight, 不是很容易見效,很打擊我的積極性。每天去公司gym跑上5公裏,加上weightlifting, 還要控製飲食,需要很大的自製力。核輻射,要幾年幾十年才會知道有沒有影響,但extra weight, 隻要1-2個月天氣轉暖,立即看得出!Thats my motivation, so will work hard on it.

Kevin... What can I say? 地震那天,我當時想,如果這麽死了,真是不甘心,didnt get chance to kick his ass yet, lol... 當天他給我發msgs,問我情況如何,有沒有危險,我說,’you worried about me?’‘Of course!’他答,我真的覺得有些意外,很多時候我不明白他在想什麽。Sometimes it might be easier that if he doesnt care at all, then I could give up completely before we drag each other down to the same trial again. I think I probably love him, but just cos of that, I cant do or say anything, isnt it strange? I dont know... Let it be whatever it is.

Anyway, I got a bit stress recently, earthquake, radiation, work, personal life... whatever. So for golden week holiday, I decide to go to east coast for some random trips. The sweetest guy F, who is living in D.C. now, generously offers his guestroom to me, so I booked the flight ticket already. It might be fun, lol.

Other than that, I think I wanna move, but too lazy to look around for a new apartment. Too many things going on, we will see.

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,那祝你生日快樂!
joby24 回複 悄悄話 嗬嗬,你來寫blog了。。不錯。。

哈 評論的時候才發現是3。30寫的捏,那天是我生日勒!嘿嘿 自我認為還蠻巧合滴嘛
