我活著回來了... 掉了一層皮, 準確的說, 是正在掉. 隻有一天, 忘記塗防曬霜, 就被曬脫了皮. 別看衝繩的天氣不夠熱, 但陽光還是夠強. 我的運氣不錯, 雖然偶爾陰天, 但總的來說, 還是天天陽光明媚.
覺得該寫點什麽, 但是不知道從何說起. 我和Kevin在一起整整一周, 竟然兩個人還都活著, 沒有"互相殘殺", 真是個奇跡. Well, it doesnt mean that we didnt have good time, actually we did, most time we were very happy to be with each other. But sometimes, I would rather just be alone, and I am sure he feels the same too. There were lots of dramas, argument, tears, curses, missed ferry, missed flight... But after all, we survived, and still love each other, thank god, lol.