  • 博客訪問:

4/10 星期五

(2009-04-09 20:16:43) 下一個
終於又到周五, 陽光格外明媚, 氣溫高達24度, 從春天直接過度到夏天了. 早晨醒來已經7點半, 迅速跳起來, 梳妝打扮, 穿著高跟鞋衝鋒陷陣, 地鐵站永遠是世界末日的狀態, 人好象逃難一般的擠進電車. 上班途中最大的娛樂是, 猜測坐在麵前的人什麽時候會下車, 然後我就可以坐下來, 休息一下我幾乎抽筋的腳趾... 如果這個人一直不下車, 我就會在腦海中幻想拿刀把他/她剁成肉泥的情景, 血肉橫飛...

昨天下班前和TOM在網上聊天, 他在新加坡機場, 等飛機去曼穀. TOM永遠很忙, 我們難得有機會聊天, 本是件高興的事, but he pissed me off, by the way he talks. 每次談話要結束的時候, 他要給公司打電話, 或者他要繼續工作, 或者他要怎樣怎樣... 的時候, TOM從來不說他要怎樣, 而是說, "you need to go back work", "you need to go to gym", "you need..." You know what, I dont need someone else to tell ME what I need to do, alright???!!! Maybe this is the most efficient way for him to negotiate with his clients on business, but I hate it when he talks like this. So this time when he said "you need to go to gym", I replied, "are you saying goodbye?" "yes, I do and give you a kiss", he typed. My first reaction was "FUCK OFF", but the good thing abt online chatting is that, I could hold my hands and have a second thought, then I typed, "fine, enjoy your time in airport." I was pissed, very much, then I decided to go swimming. 一趟又一趟, 直到我大腦缺氧, 思維短路, 已經想不起來為什麽鬱悶, 隻想吃飯和睡覺, 這個方法效果不錯, 至少不會讓我犯更多的錯. 不然, 通常的解決方法, 找個人吵一架, 把怨氣嫁接到別人身上, 然後第二天後悔萬分, 還要道歉, LOL.

衝繩之旅的機票已訂, 但卻找不到合適的HOTEL DEAL, GOLDEN WEEK, 各個HOTEL簡直如搶錢一般. 昨晚給Kevin打電話, 他說他今天會去找local travel agency試試運氣. Kevin, my travel buddy for this okinawa trip, hope he would be able to entertain me during the trip, no dramas, I just want some relaxing, peaceful fun time, and out of Tokyo, sometimes Tokyo makes me sick. The other day I was chatting with Kevin, he mentioned that how much he wants his own family and kids, that is the second time I heard from guys about how much they want their own kids, the first time was from Chad, during our sweet dinner, before I got stupid drunk, lol. I dont understand, why they want kids so much, are kids considered new toys for guys recently? Anyway, they dont have to go through the whole getting fat and sick, and suffering pregnancy, lucky bastards, if guys could get pregnant, give birth, and feed babies, maybe I would like to have my own kids too, just play with them when they are not crying like hell, which could be fun, lol. Kid, that just sounds like a specific example for the definition of trouble, in my dictionary.

I had a talk with Chris abt 2 days ago, he is having a cold, his mother broke her leg, in clinic now, and his mother's old cat, passed away maybe 1 or 2 months ago. I actually liked that cat, even though she was acting a bit cold when I was in Chris mother's house, according to Chris, its cos she was deaf, after all, she was very old cat. I still have strong feelings for Chris, those sweet memories, I thought they would just fade away, but apparently they didnt. I could still remember every detail... we playing bomber game together like 2 geek kids, walking in the park, he sleeping with eyes half open, messy hair in mornings, even the suffering drive trip back from Zurich, nap, drive, nap, drive again... When we talking about those things, it seems everything just revived from deep inside my heart, like dejavu, and so sweet. Have no idea where this will go, but we will see.

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theoracle 回複 悄悄話 "I dont understand, why they want kids so much, are kids considered new toys for guys recently?.... " hehe, agree with you.

I don't like Tom's tone either,"you need...this or that", yeah, sounds very annoying.