  • 博客訪問:

6/5 星期四

(2008-06-05 01:41:55) 下一個
我困得眼睛幾乎睜不開, 老板跟我講話, 10句我隻聽到2句半... 我發現, 堅持遠距離戀愛需要很好的體力. 每天早晨6點醒來, 正是D的晚上, 我們可以有1個小時左右的時間聊天, 他今天幹了什麽, 我昨天幹了什麽, 好象公司的例會, 然後D筋疲力盡的去睡覺, 我還要掙紮著去上班. 今天和另一個辦公室的女同事一起吃飯, 她們一看到我, 都說, "Jess, 你最近瘦了誒..." 人家談戀愛都幸福得體重直線上升, 我這還不到1個月, 減肥效果比去gym都好, 什麽事兒啊... Internet確實讓這世界變得更近更小, 遠隔千裏也可以聽到彼此的聲音, 看到彼此的笑容, 隻是, you cant touch and feel the warmth, its sad and cruel when my fingertips crossing the screen and trying to touch his smiling face. Dont know how long I can keep doing this, we had a talk about this matter, confirmed the relationship again, but had nothing to do with the distance... 我記得Sex and the city裏有一集, Sam對Richard說, "Richard, I love you, but I love myself more." 然後很瀟灑的摘下鑽戒, 轉身出門. I love that scene, actually I dont mind making efforts in a relationship, but there is a limit line before losing myself, hopefully we would be able to figure out a way to solve all problems before it hitting my limit.

工作永遠讓人頭疼, I even dont wanna talk about it. I am supposed to go out with Miho tonight, but I am already exhausted now, might fall asleep in the bar later, lol.

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jgey 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你...

我也覺得很恐怖, my friends and I hanging out around that area too sometimes, if I was there yesterday... couldnt imagine...


emigre 回複 悄悄話 Heard about the stabbing in Tokyo, very scary... Stay safe!!