2005 (161)
2006 (120)
2007 (98)
2008 (63)
2016 (1)
早晨6點半, 我爬起來, 終於被迫變成morning person. D在網上, 我們聊天. 這個夏天他有business trip去上海, 2周, 要開會, 看工廠, 但是不知道能不能有時間來東京看我. 我很失望, 上海到東京, 不過3個小時的飛機, 哪怕一個周末, 為什麽不能來???!!! 不管D說多少遍"miss you", 隻有行動才能證明一切, if he really misses me, why cant make the trip to Tokyo? I was so frustrated, it seems only me, making efforts, and that is not what I want. "How this long distance thing could work out? I even couldnt make a normal relationship work, how dumb I thought that I was able to do this kinda high level thing..." 我對D說, 也是對我自己說. 沒有結論, 我們不歡而散, 他去睡覺, 我得準備去辦公室, 外麵在下雨.
我對著鏡子化妝, 隨手放音樂, 是王菲的歌, --"撲火". " 每一天都有夢在心裏頭死掉, 我自己對自己大聲咆哮, 人太忠於感覺就難好好思考, 我痛的想哭卻傻傻的笑..." 啪噠, 一滴眼淚掉下來, 我趕忙拿紙巾小心擦去, 怕弄花了妝. 如果弄花了, 要擦掉, 重新化妝, 這樣可能就會遲到, 然後老板又會嘮叨... 越是想, 越想哭, 最後, 眼淚象夏天的雷雨, 劈劈啪啪的打在紙巾上. 手忙腳亂的把自己收拾妥當, 站在鏡子前, 看鏡子裏的自己, everything looks fine, but am I really fine? I dont know...
I closed the door, and set myself free.
Well, I have to admit that I had been childish on this matter, shouldnt have been pushing him on returning the efforts.
通常都很難站在對方的立場上想問題,guess I am spoiled by single life.