  • 博客訪問:

5/8 星期二

(2007-05-08 04:29:14) 下一個
Mario...he is in Australia now. 前幾天晚上,突然收到Mario的message,我還以為見了鬼,他說,he has been out to sea for 2 months, and internet down in the ship...blah blah... 他說, sorry, miss you, pls forgive me...blah blah... 他說,wanna see me again when he gets back...blah blah... 我說,I want more than just sex, 他說,ok, I will try, lets take it slow and see what happens... DAMN! 我都快把Mario忘了,他又突然跳出來,真是陰魂不散。我的生活好像8點的肥皂劇,反反複複幾個人物,我方唱罷,他登場,倒是很熱鬧。Anyway, I dont think its a good idea for me to see Mario again, George said so too, even though we might be able to get into a relationship something, it wouldnt last long. 想起看到過的Cartier的新平麵廣告,新的廣告詞是,“How far would you go for LOVE”,well, good question, how far would I go??? I asked Dave if he would leave everything he has here to follow the true love, he said he would consider it, I dont think I can do that. I mean, even though its the true big love, still, its not worth putting all my hopes and life on. I could do a lot crazy shit for love, or for lust, but I definitely dont want love to become the only factor that matters in my life, that, is TOO CRAZY. Guess I am not romantic enough, lol. Anyway, back to the point, I dont think I could sacrifice my lifestyle for Mario, apparently he has a totally different lifestyle from mine, this is not gonna work. Still one month left before he comes back, who knows what gonna happen.

Finally the Golden Week is over, and no feedbacks yet. This feedback has been haunting me, last night I had a nightmare, on my way to LB's party, I almost got flushed off the roof, then a huge ugly blue spider on my back, which freaked me out... 好像曆險記一樣。今天在家打掃衛生,擦窗戶,爸媽回來了,在網上拉著我講話,我心不在焉。This golden week really slowed down everything, I HATE IT!!! Hopefully by this week or next week, would hear something new.

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jgey 回複 悄悄話 感謝各位同學的關心和支持。
G.C. 回複 悄悄話 別在一棵樹上吊死, 在沒有拿到offer的時候就當沒有到這家公司麵試過, 不要存在幻想。找工作的腳步絲毫不能放慢。

我去年找工作對此深有感觸,堅決不能相信公司的花言巧語,煙霧彈和緩兵之計, 手中沒有offer letter一切都是空的。 我最後的結論就是找工作和找朋友其實一樣,你如果對對方感興趣,那麽格不了幾天你就會和她聯係;如果不是那麽發燒的,你可能會刪掉那個號碼,或不冷不熱回幾條信息, 或keep her on the shelf as a backup,唉, 你也是情場老手了,我就不廢話了。

總而言之, 一方麵努力的去找工作, 一方麵也不要太急,有些事情是我們凡人控製不了的,盡力就行了。
11Roses 回複 悄悄話 別在意,LB的人事沒有眼光。
elpher 回複 悄悄話 我很想說類似於'是金子總會發光''是良駒總會遇伯樂'的有點惡心的話, 不過there must be a right point for you, 不在這裏就在那裏, 可能有點自我催眠, 不過你需要好心情... 安啦!take it easy, beauty!