  • 博客訪問:

5/3 星期四

(2007-05-03 08:10:26) 下一個



天氣好,不想早早回家,於是晚上去了新開的bar,--A971,熱鬧非凡,過去經常在Heartland出現的人都轉到這裏來了。不過我不喜歡A971的bartenders,都是新手,連酒的名字都搞不清楚,買杯酒要等10多分鍾,太差勁了。同去的女生Miho是日本人,我是在JR的生日party上認識她的,she is very cheerful, friendly, easy to talk with, that is why I would like to hang out with her. But she is really dumb, and very much desperate, I have never seen anyone as desperate as her. Miho was scanning the bar every 5 mins for the whole nite, and kept telling me and another girl how much she wanted a bf. But the thing is, she doesnt speak english at all, and she wants a foreign bf, that is quite tough, and bars in Roppongi are definitely not good places to look for a bf. Anyway, she is dumb and happy, that is a good combination. Miho給我講她每一段愛情故事,每次都是“山無棱,天地合,才敢與君絕”的開始,聽得我直眨眼,真有人把現實生活當瓊瑤小說來過,佩服,佩服。最絕的是,一次Miho去緬甸旅遊,認識一當地人,兩人聊了40分鍾,Miho就認定對方是她生命中的唯一,然後幾經周折的為那個緬甸人來日本又做擔保又跑簽證,最終那人還是沒能來日本。我聽得津津有味,問“然後呢”,Miho說,不再聯係了,她現在忙著在找新的“生命中的唯一”。我對Miho真是佩服得五體投地,原來覺得我自己很樂觀,很drama queen,跟Miho比,實在差太遠了,哈。

後來Marc也來了,和他的同事。看來大家都從heartland轉戰到這邊了,我和Marc聊了一會兒,他下周和他的manager談,如果給他晉升的話,他就留在LB,不然他就去另一家公司,搬去香港。I told him that it had been 3 weeks, no feedback from LB yet, he said, be patient, no news is good news now. Yeah, everybody says so, be patient, blah blah... cant they just give a clear answer?! If its a NO, I can just give up right away, this waiting thing is really suffering.

Anyway there was a guy in the bar last nite, its the 2nd time I have seen him here, and he is quite much my type. First time I was with Marc and his friends, this guy was saying hi to Marc, I thought he working for LB too something. I was thinking to talk to him last nite, but after talked with Marc about job hunting stuff, I was kinda out of the mood. I did ask Marc about him, actually he works for antoher company, at the moment he was checking me out, but too late, I was leaving. Anyway, if there is a 3rd time that I see him again somewhere, I would talk to him.

When this fucking golden week gonna be finished??? damn!

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 that means, you getting mature and wiser =)
elpher 回複 悄悄話 haha, but I love this ing goldenweek... I went to bar and got drunk... it was long time from last time drunk... that means I'm getting old...- -'''
zaizai 回複 悄悄話 長得象E.T.。。。。:)