  • 博客訪問:

3/31 星期六

(2007-03-30 12:22:12) 下一個

中午去見David介紹的recruiter,the weirdest guy I have ever met, has a mideast face, speaks native level japanese, and has a middle name, --MIRANDA! That is a female name, LOL! 我一開始以為這個Miranda是個女的,maybe David's old lover something, 我還給Dave發了表示感謝的短信,那種看起來似乎很polite,其實含有刻薄的口氣的短信。總之,我不喜歡這個Miranda,even though he is not Dave's old lover.

話不投機,1個小時就結束了。離表參道不遠,我又順路過去,這一周我幾乎天天都去表參道報到。Dave正忙,於是我和Rina約一起喝茶。Rina是上一次在Carlo的Party上認識的日本女生,我們並不是很熟,當然,所有的朋友一開始都不是很熟。聊了20分鍾後,我很清楚的意識到,Rina是個“結婚狂”,desperate, that is the word. For girls, its fun to talk about guys casually, but if you trying to bring this topic to a serious level, then its a different story, it would sound more like a psychological project, and you would never be able to make any conclusion, that is what it is. 我受不了Rina一直對我重複她對relationship或婚姻的向往,沒有共鳴,最後,我答應把我的朋友Jeff介紹給她。

終於熬到Dave的會議結束,我迫不及待的和Rina說bye,this girl driving me crazy. 和Dave一起的coffee break總是很愉快,他這回沒有穿西裝,而是jeans和高領粗線黑色毛衣,看起來像個art school student. 我最近跑recruiting公司,看了太多西裝革履的男生,有點審美疲勞,覺得Dave的casual打扮很是可愛。晚上有個生日Party,Dave的朋友Thomas和JR,一個37歲,另一個31歲(?),Dave還要回辦公室處理一些事情,會晚一些去,我本來打算直接回家,但後來改主意,決定去看看熱鬧,反正六本木也不是很遠。

還是上次那個Lounge,人很多,熱鬧非凡。上次見到的Dave的朋友幾乎都來了,還有很多陌生麵孔,最主要的是,這一次明顯女生很多,所有的guys都顯得格外活躍,talking about some dumb jokes, anyway those japanese girls cant understand what they say, just try to laugh at the right moment, perfect match, dumb girls vs dumb jokes, sometimes I wonder which one is dumber, 好像太刻薄了,but you can tell they didnt get the joke at all, cos when they laugh, they will check if everybody else laughs first, then follow, LOL.

Dave的朋友,一個荷蘭男生,忘記他的名字了,他幾乎認識每一個到場的女生,不過聽Dave講,此人很picky;JR,the birthday guy,聽說他和每個認識的女生約會,well, he does look like a player;Carlo,剛剛離婚,但沒有吸取教訓,告訴每個女生he wants family, means he would get married again, and possibly divorce again too;Eric, chinese british, tall, strong arms, and very cute smiles, 長得很像劉燁,沒有關於他的傳聞,well, if he is not Dave's friend, I dont mind going out with him. 我有點疲倦,於是坐下來,一邊喝香檳,一邊打量周圍的人,watching people is very fun. 後來,有個日本女生坐在我身邊,開始和我講話,我們先是談鞋子,這個話題是我比較喜歡的,最終話題還是轉到guys,well, I guess girls just love to talk about guys, and guys love to talk about sex, its the nature. 不知道為什麽,我遇見的每一個日本女生都非常非常的渴望結婚,不管處於什麽狀態,這個日本女生是therapist,有錢有事業,卻desperate for marriage,why people need a paper to guarantee their commitment? 讓我很難理解,大概日本女生更傳統?Well, I am not against marriage, but I dont see a reason to get desperate for it.

Dave的工作很多,第二天又要早起,於是決定不來了。我本來就疲倦,也早早離開了。在回家的路上,我在想一件很有趣的事情,--Rina和Carlo好像很熟,我聽Rina講,說Carlo在跟她學素食料理,Rina是素食者。也就是說,他們spent time together,但是關於他們之間的關係,卻有2個完全不同的版本。Rina是這樣認為的,--Carlo剛剛離婚,needs more time to get ready for the next relationship, sounds like Rina thinks she still has her chance with Carlo, just the timing problem. 但Carlo對我說,he is totally ready for the next relationship, but he just wanna be only friend with Rina. SEE!!! 這讓我覺得很有意思,通常對同一句話,不同的人有不同的理解,而男女之間的相處,雙方的理解也常常偏差很大,很多時候,如果不把話講清楚,會浪費很多不必要的時間和精力。Now I cant help wondering how much misunderstanding I have ever had??? Maybe that is why, sometimes everything seems going well, but never be able to work out, maybe I have just misunderstood what the guy means...OUCH!!! This is awful.

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小資美人 回複 悄悄話 偷窺還是分享 自由還是限製
我與你之間還有什麽限製 思想與肉體還有什麽差別
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jgey 回複 悄悄話 haha...those are NOT important, as long as the guy is not too fat and healthy, he doesnt need to be fit like those models in male magazines. and talk about looks, one of my girl friends said, "好看有什麽用,又不當飯吃", exactly!

Well, I like hot guys, but just for checking out in gym or clubs. For life partner, personality is much more important, I would pick up Shrek instead of Prince Charming.
朱珠兒 回複 悄悄話 回複jgey的評論:

He is good. I was so happy for Charlett.
But what about that he is not so handsome, and he doesn't seem to be very fit. I got the impression those are important to you too... :)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 didnt watch that show for a long while...

[sex and the city]裏,我最喜歡的人是那個jewish lawyer,Harry,I think he is the perfect guy as a partner of life, smart, easy going, warm heart, good humor sense...cant ask more than that.

朱珠兒 回複 悄悄話 the last few sentences sound like Carrie's monologue in sex and the city...