  • 博客訪問:

3/13 星期二

(2007-03-13 04:52:54) 下一個

頭暈, 昨晚又玩瘋了, 精神不老, 肉體老, 現在的年紀一夜又一夜的, 實在敖不住.

昨天中午和另一個RECRUITER一起吃午飯, 話不投機, 氣氛很尷尬. 覺得還是之前那家規模大一點的RECRUITING公司更好一些, 可以選擇的餘地更大. 這個RECRUITER是日本人, 非常典型的日本人, 說話總喜歡說一半, 後一半我必須自己猜, 害得我午飯都沒吃好. 他請我吃了午飯, 又請我喝咖啡, 最後還是談不出什麽結果, 讓我覺得有些過意不去.

晚上和DAVID一起吃晚飯, DAVID, 33歲, 加拿大人, 我大概3年前認識DAVID, 那時候他還是已婚男人, 太太是日本人, 前幾天偶然聊天, 他說去年終於離婚, 聽口氣有點"終於解放了"的意思. 32歲對男人來說好象是一個台階, 最近聽說很多人離婚, 都是32歲, 例如MARIO??? DAVID也是做RECRUITING的, 但和IT無關, 是廣告和MARKETING的RECRUITING, 他經常要我幫他介紹CANDIDATES, 答應給我豐厚的提成, 我一笑置之. DAVID原本就是PARTY ANIMAL, 曾經在六本木"夜夜笙歌", 六本木有一家出名的CLUB叫做911, 他是那裏的VIP. 現在離婚了, 應該可以更加盡情的PARTY了, 但聽DAVID講, 他的心態變了, 不再喜歡那些"CRAZY PARTIES OR CLUBBING", 開始去一些西麻布地區的比較安靜的高級LOUNGE, 隻為了輕鬆的喝一杯. 我完全理解他的心情, 我現在對那些CHEESY HIPHOP CLUBS也慢慢失去興趣, used to like clubbing in that kinda places a lot, crowded, lots of young cute guys, cheap drinks and great dancing music...Now would prefer to more quiet and stylish places, just for some good drinks and enjoying conversation with interesting people. 人在不同的年紀喜歡不同的東西, 自然規律.

晚飯很愉快, DAVID非常健談, he is not a very good-looking guy, typical jewish look, but very very funny, and sweet. Well, There are lots of different types of sweetness, Mario is a sweet guy too, but he is kinda laid back, usually he just smiles and wouldnt say anything in person, but later might send messages to say that he loves my lips, loves my legs...kinda cool sweet. David's sweetness is much more straight forward, makes me feel very flattered, well, women would never get enough with compliments, more is always better.

吃過晚飯, 決定一起去喝一杯. CLUB 911前一陣一直在裝修, 最近終於重新OPEN, 聽DAVID說, 911開始走高級LOUNGE的路線, 我很想去CHECK OUT, 於是決定先去CLUB 911. 果然和以前的氣氛大不一樣, CLUB 911 used to be a very crowded place, and kinda cheesy, but a lot fun. 現在放了很多舒服的沙發, 沒有什麽SPACE FOR DANCING, 裝修的風格很STYLISH, 但我還是覺得過去的感覺比較好, 更多樂趣, DAVID也有同感. STAFFS都認識DAVID, 我們坐下來, 一邊喝酒一邊聊天, David started his voice of experience speaking, "Dont get married in ur 20s, just go have fun. Today the world is totally different from the old days, people have more options, and women dont really need the guarantee offered by marriage..." This reminded me of the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, in that movie, the grandpa talking to his grandson in this way, "Listen, kid, this is the voice of experiences speaking, fuck a lot of women, not just one woman, but a lot..." Hilarious.

David has quite bad experiences in his marriage, he told me the frequency of the sex life with his wife from per day, per week, to per month, at the 6th year of their marriage, only 5 times for the whole year...LOL, poor guy. And his friend, an australian guy, kinda in the same situation, now talking with his wife about divorce too. David said, "no matter how much you love each other, after certain years living together, you would get bored, would totally lose the interests, then everything just becoming cold and unacceptable..." Well, I assume that marriage is not just about sex, but honestly, what David said kinda makes sense too, who knows how long the love to the particular one could last, then the question again, is marriage really necessary?

我們喝得興致很好, 說到怎樣判斷一個人是否good kisser, 我說, 據說可以用舌頭把櫻桃柄打結的人是GOOD KISSER, DAVID說不可能, 於是我們決定試試看, 叫來WAITER問"what kinda drink comes with cherry", waiter是個黑人小哥, 日語完全不通, 英語也不靈光, 我們解釋了半天, 說隻要"cherry with stem", waiter似懂非懂的去了吧台. 回來的時候, 黑人小哥端了一個小盤子, 上麵有2個被COCKTAIL用的塑料STICK穿著的CHERRY, 我們笑得說不出話來, 這個不是CHERRY WITH STEM, 而是CHERRY WITH STICK, 估計沒有人能用舌頭把這個打結的. WAITER看我們笑, 似乎很滿意, 又跑去吧台, 給我們端來一盤草莓. 在CLUB 911喝得開心, 隨後又去了一家ROCK BAR, 結果是, 我今天下午頭仍舊很暈.

剛剛周二, 還有漫長的一周, its not quite a good idea to drink on monday nite...

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閱讀 ()評論 (10)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 聽他吹...牛都被他吹死了...哈哈
elpher 回複 悄悄話 GC打了兩個???...哇,崇拜啊,我要回去練...不過我從小就不喜歡吃魚,嫌骨頭多吃起來麻煩...
G.C. 回複 悄悄話 冤枉啊,這不是我憑空想出來的,而是一個MM告訴我的--在純潔的我自告奮勇用舌頭把一根cherry stem打了兩個節之後。。。到那時候才體會到從小吃魚多的好處。
jgey 回複 悄悄話 也說你呢, G.C. , 也想得太深了...人家往上三路想,就你往下三路...BS你! 哈哈...
G.C. 回複 悄悄話 就是,avatar 那麽純潔,想不到啊。。。
jgey 回複 悄悄話 你們兩個太色情啦...
elpher 回複 悄悄話 可能麽???...我隻試過用嘴解襯衫扣子...
G.C. 回複 悄悄話 Ummm, I meant, never mind, too explicit for this blog.
jgey 回複 悄悄話 難不成還是特異功能人士???
G.C. 回複 悄悄話 能用舌頭打結的不隻是good kisser吧?