  • 博客訪問:

12/8 星期五

(2006-12-08 06:34:28) 下一個
周二是我生日, 27歲, 沒什麽興致慶祝. 老爸回顧曆史, 展望未來, 給我留下一句話, --"知足者常樂". 我並不是很喜歡這句話, 或許對於爸的年紀的人來說, 知足就是養生之道, 而我還年輕, 保持一點野心和欲望, 才有前進的動力. 老媽在MSN上"肉麻"的又是HUG又是KISS的祝我生日快樂, 我哼哼哈哈的表示"同樂同樂", 前些日子的心情不爽, 其實都和生日的到來有關, 我把其稱為birthday virus. I am quite scared, already 27 years old, but I didnt achieve any goal of life yet, what I have done and the path I have chosen might probably be wrong, this thought drives me nuts, and its very serious. To be honest, a little depressed, and quite much frustrated, thats why the whole week I have been acting weird, and have problems to focus on work or whatever things. This could be a big moment of my life, I finally realized that what I am looking for in life is not security, but freedom. I think freedom is the best security people can achieve in real life. For a simple example, people work hard in some big company for being financially secure, but this security is provided by the company, by the owner, by someone else, which is actually not as secure as people expect, just look at Enron... But if people achieve the financial freedom, in which case their money working for them to make more money, people dont have to work any more, they just provide themselves the best security they can desire. Finally figured out what I want, so now, its the show time. I am still scared like hell, but will move forward, I hope so.

昨晚和ANDREW一起吃晚飯, 話題頗為嚴肅, 從宗教信仰, 到英國的宗教史, 我困得稀裏糊塗, 隻記得ANDREW強調亨利8世娶了N個老婆, 人家是國王, 養得起, 愛娶幾個娶幾個. 等哪天我有精神的, 可以給他講講中國皇帝的後宮三千佳麗, 一定讓亨利8世羨慕死. I think Andrew wanna get into a relationship with me, he was trying a few times to hold my hand during the dinner cross the table. I would rather talk with him about his new recruiting company than anything personal, well he is a nice guy, gentle, talkative, but... there is always a but, I dont have the "butterflies in stomach" feeling for him. Even though I am alone now, still I dont wanna start a relationship just for that I dont wanna be alone. Actually its not that bad to be alone, there are too many distractions in life, only one bad point for being alone...Mario is not coming back to town yet...damn Mario!

Anyway, got to go, have to catch the last train.
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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 沒關係...紅包照收的...哈!
elpher 回複 悄悄話 遲了,生日快樂!...
jgey 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你.
cLee 回複 悄悄話 祝你生日快樂!! 為你 "前進的動力" 加油 !!