10/31 星期二
(2006-10-30 22:59:42)
昨晚做了個惡夢, 夢裏一舊友竟然向我求婚, 我含含糊糊的答應, 然後在婚禮上, 輪到我說"我願意"的時候, 我卻猶豫不決, 最後竟然脫口而出,--"我不願意!" 於是, 婚禮大亂, 新郎氣暈了, 我老爸老媽威逼利誘, 企圖勸說我改口...然後驚醒, 心有餘悸, 看了好幾遍鬧鍾, 都沒搞清楚到底是幾點, 謝天謝地, 隻是個夢. 不過, 這個夢實在是太清晰了, 每個人, 每句話, 每個場麵, 我都記得清清楚楚. 上午和George聊天的時候, 我提到這個惡夢, George樂不可支, 最後下結論說, "you are scared of commitment", 這個不用他說, 我也知道. George said, "marriage is like going to dental office, people are afraid of going, but have to, its good for you eventually"; I replied, "yeah, look at what your 'dental office' brought to you", then we skipped this topic. The next topic is George's new business, he is investing on travel business, have to say that George is a very smart investor, he knows how to manage risks, and how to make his money work for him well, I admire him a lot for this issue. George always says that I should go to LA and work for him, but I never take it serious, no matter whether he really means what he says. I enjoy the talks with George very much, he's always able to give me many practical advices in life, which I appreciate a lot, and I dont wanna lose this very balanced "relationship" with him. Its great to have a mentor like him in my life.
昨天下班去上HOT YOGA課, 比我想象的要好很多. 溫度38度, 濕度65%的STUDIO好象蒸籠一樣, 出了很多汗, 衣褲全濕, 有點花錢找罪受的意思. 因為是初級班, 並沒有什麽太高難的POSE, 不過我旁邊的小胖妹還是做得很辛苦. 明明是要把頭靠在腿上, 小胖妹的肚子靠到腿, 頭就下不去了, 我忍住沒樂出來, 有點不太厚道. 最後一個動作比較難, 要劈腿坐在地上, 然後俯身, 做INSTRUCTOR的美女MM一下子腿就成一線, 趴了下去, 我的老胳膊老腿死硬, 費了牛勁也下不到那份兒上; 後來就聽"嘎嘣"一聲, 嚇我一跳, 旁邊的小胖妹慘叫, 估計是太使勁, 扭了腰, INSTRUCTOR趕緊跳起來, 把小胖妹扶起. 總的來說, 一個小時的課還是有些效果的, 晚間睡得不錯, 除了那個惡夢以外, 早晨起來也不覺得疲倦, 準備繼續堅持下去.