9/27 星期三
(2006-09-27 03:31:04)
回到東京, 不是一般的疲倦. 在新加坡的4天裏, 隻有一個晚上在6AM之前睡覺, 玩瘋了, 好象又回到大學時代. 結果周二早晨醒來, 發現已經11點半, 兩個鬧鍾都沒有聽見; 今天還是累, 又困, 好不容易養成的作息習慣都被打亂了.
東京天氣轉涼, 一直在下雨, 讓人心情鬱悶. TEAM發生大變化, LEADER被轉到另一個DIVISION, TEAM裏的K君被升為新LEADER, 不知道是福是禍. 我開始有點動搖, 想換一份工作, 主要是想換一個地方, 雖然我很喜歡東京, 但是終究有點膩了, 想換個地方住上1, 2年. 新加坡或是香港, 都是不錯的選擇, 我喜歡亞洲的大都市, FOOD好吃, 生活方便, 天氣又暖和. 反正是單身, 有的是自由, 收拾好東西就可以走, 沒什麽割舍不了的麻煩, 新的都市有新的樂趣和希望, 我喜歡這樣沒有安排和計劃的向前走, 常常有意想不到的驚喜.
一個多年不見的朋友又回東京來了, Mario, 我們就算是朋友吧, 那種casual talk, casual intimacy式的朋友. 最後一次見他大概是4,5年前, 他準備離開NAVY, 回美國去; 我很驚訝他又回到日本, 而且還在NAVY做事, 聽他說, 他當時確實想離開, 但got a big promotion, since he has served in the Marines for abt 13 years, another 7 years, he can get the retirement money, which is quite a lot. Mario works as a DJ in his spare time, the songs he mixed getting big hits recently, which brings him a lot money too. So basically, he can see a good pic of his retired life, that is what happened to him in the last 5 years. What happened to me? well, I dont really wanna share that with Mario, since he doesnt have to know. Mario didnt change much, maybe lost weight a little bit, and according to him that, I didnt change much either, God knows how much i have changed! LOL! Actually he is a cute guy, tall, strong arms, blue eyes, funny, with good humor sense, the most important thing is that, we had incredibly great time in bed. But I never fell for him before, and dont wanna fell in the future either, it might be quite weird, when you have the closest intimacy with someone, at the same time trying to keep ur heart as far as possible from the person who lying next to u. But to be rational, this completely casual way is good for both of us, which guarantees we could have fun together, while nobody getting hurt emotionally.
This reminds me of the talk I had with the other 4 girls in Singapore. The old topic was brought up during dinner, --whether we could separate sex from love. 2 girls said no, 2 said yes, 1 was confused, and couldnt answer. Its an interesting question, girls like to talk abt it again and again, and guys, they dont talk abt it, they just do it. Honestly I said yes, I think its possible to separate sex from love. Its like you dont have to always eat in ur favorite restaurants, sometimes we go to Macdonald's, not because we love food there, but because we are starving, we need food. Well, this is not a great metaphor, but think about it.
Time to go home, I hate raining days.
well, casual sex cant nourish our souls, but can nourish our bodies. long time without sex, hormone balance might be broken, one of my friends has had this problem.
it all depends on how you take this issue, human beings are social creatures, the public morals discipline our behaviors in some good ways, but at the same time, it makes some simple issues much more complicated as well.
不過快餐的吸引力就在於instant gratification, 肚子餓了的時候聞到炸薯條的香味還真難抗拒,就像幾杯酒下肚長相一般的妹妹都貌賽天仙, 再加上到酒吧一個個穿的都比較性感,要控製自己的動物本能看來隻能坐懷不亂的柳老先生能做的到.不過我一向以為隻有男生被詛咒了這種弱點,不隻妹妹們也要受此煎熬? 又是廢話,孤掌難鳴,笨呀。