  • 博客訪問:

6/30 星期五

(2006-06-30 01:25:47) 下一個



昨晚為了歡迎TEAM新成員,大家一起去吃晚飯,一家很不錯的FRENCH RESTAURANT,WINE好喝得不得了.TEAM裏的S君是單身,此人極嚴肅,又特別小氣,沒有女朋友其實也是理所當然,但大家平時工作實在無聊,於是拿他開涮.M君通過他自己的女性朋友給S君安排了一次BLIND DATE,這個周六,大家都為這件事興奮,S君緊張得很.日本人很SHY,通常不會參加1對1的BLIND DATE,所以有這樣一種形式叫做GOUKUN,相應人數的男女一起出去,給大家一個互相認識的機會,接下來如何發展,就完全看個人.M君給安排的是4對4的GOUKUN,M君的女性朋友找了她的3個女性朋友,男生這邊,S君,以及S君的2個男性朋友,另一個是朋友的朋友.8個人沒有見過麵,互不相識,我們都迫切想知道這次GOUKUN會有怎樣的進展,恨不得去現場觀摩.昨晚本來是新成員的歡迎會,結果最後變成了S君的REHEARSAL,大家都給他胡亂出主意,例如,如果女方都很醜,事先設定電話ALARM,然後假裝家裏有事開溜;吃飯時要注意的事項;點菜的時候應該點什麽...S君臉色越來越沉重,大家卻都樂不可支.

我很喜歡和LEADER一起吃飯,他特別會點菜,而且非常懂得什麽樣的WINE適合什麽樣的晚餐.LEADER曾經在歐洲住過數年,脾氣很好,人非常的NICE,wise,mature,intelligent,generous,a typical gentleman.我很喜歡LEADER,不涉及男女私情的喜歡,準確的說,應該是非常的欣賞,RESPECT.我想,人的感情真的是非常複雜,在怎樣的條件下,才會對一個人產生愛慕之情.大概,第一是要有physical attraction, before you know the person, then after you guys getting to know each other, you need to get attracted by his/her personalities, now love coming by. Ok, then what abt this case? You like his/her personalities very much, but no physical attraction at all, I guess, it wouldn't work out, in this case, people become friends. In other words, love is more like mission impossible, its not easy to find someone whose personalities interest you very much at the first step, and this person happens to have enough physical attraction to you...it sounds quite difficult already, and plus other subjective conditions, like race, age, financial ability...blah blah blah...how much chance left for us to fall in love???

我喜歡的人這個周末在SF,他的朋友試圖hook up him with some girl, of cos, that girl will be there too. Apparently I dont like that situation at all, but have nothing to do with it. 軼強烈建議我積極表白,抓住自己的機會,可是,我做不到.倒不是因為麵子,自尊之類無足輕重的東西,我得承認,I am not sure...not sure if I can make this exclusive, I am afraid of something, but dont know exactly what it is. 還是不要想太多, let love find me.

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
jgey 回複 悄悄話 戀什麽愛阿,我最近忙死。。。
沒戲,it just didnt work out, guess he is not the right one, and when i get time, have to start my journey of searching the god damn right one again.
I just so exhausted with all of this "are you the right one? maybe...or maybe not" game, cant it just be a little bit simple??? like some sign, some clear message or whatever that makes sense.
its 1'30am, i am home, on an IM conference, desperately checking on the server which just down...this is really depressing!!!
小蠍子 回複 悄悄話 elpher, 謝謝鼓勵啊!!! 可是那晚自己想了想, 一想到偶到餐廳時的情景, 偶就忍不住在笑, 不知道為什厶, 所以偶還是跟人家說不去了. 我怕到時對方以為我是花癡什厶的, 怎厶一見麵就笑. 哈哈哈.

我也不知道為什厶, 反正自己一想一下那情況我就忍不住了, 感覺滿搞笑的.

下次吧, 下次我會早點告訴你, 你幫偶做做思想工作, 好讓偶有足夠的勇氣壯起膽來去吃那餐飯!!! ^_^

jgey最近是不是忙戀愛了, 好像也不多見啊.
elpher 回複 悄悄話 蠍子,去吧... 我覺得不要錯過才是,說不定就碰上了...
ywddj@hotmail.com 回複 悄悄話 什麽時候我也要開始寫日記。。。
小蠍子 回複 悄悄話 我最近也比較搞笑, 老被人說介紹男朋友給偶啊, 哈哈哈.
ttmouse 回複 悄悄話 I agree with you. If he is attracted to you, more importantly, knows exactly what he wants, he will not let you go easily. When two persons approaching the subject with the different paces, there will be problem rather than romance. Everyone wants the best for oneself, however,"want" simply is not enough. Luck, demanding, high expectations, patientce, ..., etc.

You have all characteristics that you can work on to demand the best. I sincerely wish you the best LUCK!