  • 博客訪問:

4/20 Wed

(2006-04-20 02:49:35) 下一個

A horrible day...could not get worse, I suppose. I got stuck in office until 12 o'clock, Ishi left early, so Shiba and I had to wait for those who doing server maintenance to get a drive. This is really ridiculous, I should have left early together with Ishi, they told us to stay in office but actually there was nothing to do, totally meaningless. And I was sleepy like hell, lying on the couch which hurt my neck, and the contact lens just killing me, damn it!!! This is not the worst yet, when we leaving, one us office guy said, "Jess, you should go with Ishi, you look so tired"; I said, "yeah, definitely a big mistake, meaningless to stay late here, just wasting time." Then, the japanese guy from my team, the unbelievable freaky Shiba, guess what he said? --"I dont care, I didnt waste time, I wrote a lot documents..." I was so pissed at the moment, Jesus, who did ask your opinion??? And what the fuck you trying to say? you worked but I didnt? this idiot!

I have got quite enough with this place, its just countryside in a super huge scale, nothing around, nothing to do, HELLO??!! where are those cool people??? Ok, lets be fair, if you have family, this place would be great for family fun; if you single and happen to know somebody cool here who can show you around and take you to those cool places, you lucky, you might have fun; and if you single, new here, know nobody, pity, you screwed up! One week, no shopping, no fabulous restaurants, no clubbing, no interesting guys, no hair&nail salons...thank god, its only one week, or I gonna die here. All IT guys in the campus, 50% married, 49% funless, the left 1%, you might not want to know, just set them unavailable. There is one lady in the office who told me that, most singles would rather stay in SF, even though the traffic would take a lot time, cos SF has more life and more chances to get to know new people.

I miss Tokyo so much...


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jgey 回複 悄悄話 ...dont be so sensitive =)
There's always hotel bars for lonely business travelers:)

By the way, the previous post and this one are from me, G.C. I thought you are familiar enough with my writing that I don't even have to sign my name anymore. Apparently I overestimated myself, ouch.
jgey 回複 悄悄話 三樓的同學:

情況是這樣的,10am-7pm,要在辦公室,after that, coworkers here who are very friendly and warm will take us to dinner, then it gonna be like 9 or 10pm, so we all tired, go straight back to hotel. Plus the other 2 coworkers with me from Tokyo, one is married, the other is a freaky geek, trust me, they would never never never, wanna go clubbing.

you see, its a business trip, everything set in schedule, and only one week, I even dont have a weekend...

anyway, next time i would definitely make a plan in advance, or it gonna be ruined again.

thank you very much for the advice.
小蠍子 回複 悄悄話 耶~~~~ 看到照片了~~~
哈哈,看了這篇post 讓我想起了 Paris Hilton 和 Nicloe Richie 在她們的 reality TV show "The Simple Life", 估計你現在的情況和她們差不多,city girl下放到鄉下。你們不是租了一輛車麽? 為何不到附近的農村酒吧去坐一坐? 如果你把這次出差當作一次免費的advanture,或米國郊區社會調查,then you should be having a more enjoyable time.
jgey 回複 悄悄話 之前照片的設定不對,現在應該看得到了吧。。。
小蠍子 回複 悄悄話 唉, 偶有時還會想去五台山啊峨嵋山啊那種地方, 清心寡欲的住上一個月呢~~ 偶是不是有點問題啊??~~

偶今天也說錯話了, 不過隻是和同事之間閑聊啦~~~ 偶老板以前還問偶, 讓偶去上海啊或北方呆著偶回不回去, 8過偶沒想去, 現在想想, 如果真讓偶回內地去工作, 偶肯定死得很快~~

今天偶們專門負責國內各地業務的同事說: 接到A總的電話, 他X月X號會帶誰誰誰等一隊11人在香港轉機, 逗留1天, 他們會於X月X號早上7點到, 然後第二天早上10點走~~

偶聽了還不以為然, 哦了一聲後, 還說, 那3輛的士也坐得下了~~

然後偶們負責國內業務的同事瞪著眼睛張著嘴巴望著偶, 半晌才說: 你讓人家那誰誰誰去坐的士??~~ 你開什麽玩笑嘛你, 人家那都是誰誰誰啊, 這出門沒人送進門沒人接的像什麽樣啊, 怎麽也得安排幾輛像樣點的車, 坐得寬敞舒服點, 老板還要親自去迎接才叫給麵子~~

本來這也沒什麽了, 可偶又8卦, 多嘴又問了一句, 咦, 他們轉機去非洲是去玩嗎??~~

這又不得了了, 偶同事又盯著偶, 好像偶在講笑話一樣盯著偶, 半晌才糾正偶說: 這誰誰誰外出哪能叫出去玩啊, 這叫考察!!!

我靠, 我閉嘴, 行了吧!!!