  • 博客訪問:

5/11 星期三--II

(2005-05-10 21:40:05) 下一個
LUNCH BREAK結束,再接著寫. 我需要自己的空間,不想講話的時候,不喜歡被別人打擾.我很懶,喜歡把鞋子擺滿地,比較容易挑選喜愛的那一雙.討厭別人告訴我要這樣,要那樣,可是總有不知趣的男人喜歡多嘴,自以為是救世主,挽救我於水深火熱之中,可惜,我不希罕.都市中象我這樣的"獨居動物"很多,自我又敏感,白天和黑夜,隨身帶著不同的麵具,微笑的背後是拒人於千裏之外的心.我想我不適合婚姻生活,沒有個人的空間,我會精神錯亂.如果一定要結婚,希望雙方各有住所,同住獨居,都進退有餘,新鮮感也可持久.老媽要是知道我的想法,一定會說荒謬;但終究時代不同,男女平等,互不依賴,留些餘地,多些選擇,未嚐不是一件好事. 好疲倦,今晚一定要早睡.
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哈哈哈!!, 和我一樣!!! 看來我更進一步,剛起床的兩個小時大多是不想說話的,朋友們都知道,所以會刻意在這段時間避開我。如果這時候遇到不太熟並且很喜歡說話的人,他們對我的評價也多是“無禮和粗魯”。
jgey 回複 悄悄話 無所謂...
eyjg 回複 悄悄話 說教?! 沒興趣,也沒用.

jgey 回複 悄悄話 TO 朱珠兒:
沒關係,有人留言,總是好的,i appreciate it =)
i wasnt complaining, complaining doesnt help anything, but just wastes time.
朱珠兒 回複 悄悄話 I guess you weren't really complaining...I took it wrong...sorry for interrupting...
jgey 回複 悄悄話 To theG:
jgey 回複 悄悄話 to eyjg:
jgey 回複 悄悄話 To 朱珠兒:
我很樂觀,樂觀過頭,所以不對男人抱太大的期望.當然,好男人是一定有的,遇見了,我會好好把握;沒有遇見,也無妨.compromise, people say, life is the way to learn compromise, but honestly i dont like the word of compromise.每個人能妥協的程度不同,我愛自己太多,所以不肯輕易妥協.
abt why have to put a mask on,你就當我有演戲的嗜好吧.i dont feel comfortable to show the real self around, especially to people i am not close. 簡單講,約會時,對方講話,我會認真聽,至少看起來是在認真聽,會微笑,會講笑話製造氣氛...這些都是禮貌,對方花時間與我共處,i appreciate it.
eyjg 回複 悄悄話 朱珠兒說的真清爽!If I ought to talk to you in the old days, this is exactly what I would have said, not even a single word of difference! Don't you agree, Jess? 嗬嗬嗬。。。不好意思,三天裏給臉上貼了兩次金,嗬 But sometimes a girl (especially someone like you) would get hurt easily, and maybe unnecessarily, by being yourself, which could be very tiresome too. So it's OK to cover up a little from time to time, if it would make you feel a bit stronger. But problems come up when you start to expect the down-to-earth kinda real feelings while you are in a very self protective stage. Well, it takes strength to love and to be loved, the kinda strength not many have. That's why people retreat into the cozy nest of self-protection :p
朱珠兒 回複 悄悄話 男女平等 also means both need to make compromise. :)
You are so pessimistic. Why can't there be a guy waiting at home just to give you a hug and then leave you alone? I guess bad experience...
Also don't understand why you have to put on a Mian Ju when you go dating? Of course you will be tired that way. Can't you be yourself? I mean the real self, not the self you want yourself to be?
Don't mean to be lecturing you, just some thoughts that crossed my mind when reading you thoughts