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布拉格之春: 槍口下的玫瑰

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電影《布拉格之春》(The Unbearable Lightness of Being),一九八八年美國電影,導演是菲利普?考夫曼(Philip Kaufman),演員有Daniel Day-Lewis演Thomas,Juliette Binoche演Tereze,Lena Olin演Sabina。


The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Czech: Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí) is a 1984 novel by Milan Kundera, about two women, two men, a dog and their lives in the 1968 Prague Spring period of Czechoslovak history. Although written in 1982, this novel was not published until two years later, in a French translation (as L'Insoutenable légèreté de l'être). The original Czech text was published the following year.



The Unbearable Lightness of Being takes place mainly in Prague in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It explores the artistic and intellectual life of Czech society from the Prague Spring of 1968 to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union and three other Warsaw Pact countries and its aftermath. The main characters are: Tomáš, an adulterous surgeon; his wife Tereza, a photographer anguished by her husband's infidelities; Tomáš’s lover Sabina, a free-spirited artist; Franz, a Swiss university professor and lover of Sabina; and finally Šimon, Tomáš’s estranged son from an earlier marriage.


  • Tomáš: A Czech surgeon and intellectual. Tomáš is a womanizer who lives for his work. He considers sex and love to be distinct entities: he has sex with many women but loves only his wife, Tereza. He sees no contradiction between these two positions. He explains womanizing as an imperative to explore female idiosyncrasies only expressed during sex. At first he views his wife as a burden whom he is obliged to take care of. After the Russian invasion, they escape to Geneva, where he starts womanizing again. Tereza, homesick, returns to Prague with the dog. He quickly realizes he wants to be with her and follows her home. He has to deal with the consequences of a letter to the editor in which he metaphorically likened the Czech Communists to Oedipus. Eventually fed up with life in Prague under the Communist regime, he moves to the countryside with Tereza. He abandons his twin obsessions of work and womanizing and discovers true happiness with Tereza. His epitaph, written by his Catholic son, is "He Wanted the Kingdom of God on Earth".
  • Tereza: Young wife of Tomáš. A gentle, intellectual photographer, she delves into dangerous and dissident photojournalism during the Soviet occupation of Prague. Tereza does not condemn Tomáš for his infidelities, instead characterizing herself as a weaker person. Tereza is mostly defined by her view of the body as disgusting and shameful, due to her mother's embrace of the body's grotesque functions. Throughout the book she fears simply being another body in Tomáš' array of women. Once Tomáš and Tereza move to the countryside, she devotes herself to raising cattle and reading. During this time she learns about her anima through an adoration of pet animals, reaching the conclusion that they were the last link to the paradise abandoned by Adam and Eve and becomes alienated from other people.
  • Sabina: Tomáš' mistress and closest friend. Sabina lives her life as an extreme example of lightness, taking profound satisfaction in the act of betrayal. She declares war on kitsch and struggles against the constraints imposed by her puritan ancestry and the Communist Party. This struggle is shown through her paintings. She occasionally expresses excitement at humiliation, shown through the use of her grandfather's bowler hat, a symbol that is born during one sexual encounter with Tomáš, before it eventually changes meaning and becomes a relic of the past. Later in the novel she begins to correspond with Šimon while living under the roof of some older Americans who admire her artistic skill.
  • Franz: Sabina's lover and a Geneva professor and idealist. Franz falls in love with Sabina, whom he considers a liberal and romantically tragic Czech dissident. He is a kind and compassionate man. As one of the novel's dreamers, he bases his actions on loyalty to the memories of his mother and of Sabina. His life revolves completely around books and academia, eventually to the extent that he seeks lightness and ecstasy by participating in marches and protests, the last of which is a march in Thailand to the border with Cambodia. In Bangkok after the march, he is mortally wounded during a mugging.
  • Karenin: The dog of Tomáš and Tereza. Although she is a female dog, the name is masculine and is a reference to Alexei Karenin, the husband in Anna Karenina. Karenin displays extreme dislike of change. Once moved to the countryside, Karenin becomes more content as she is able to enjoy more attention from her owners. She also quickly befriends a pig named Mefisto. During this time Tomáš discovers that Karenin has cancer and even after removing a tumor it is clear that Karenin is going to die. On her deathbed she unites Tereza and Tomáš through her "smile" at their attempts to improve her health.

Philosophical underpinnings[edit]

Challenging Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of eternal recurrence (the idea that the universe and its events have already occurred and will recur ad infinitum), the story's thematic meditations posit the alternative: that each person has only one life to live and that which occurs in life occurs only once and never again – thus the "lightness" of being. Moreover, this lightness also signifies freedom; Tomáš and Sabina display this lightness, whereas Tereza's character is "weighed down". In the Constance Garnett translation of Tolstoy's "War and Peace" she gives us the phrase "strange lightness of being" during the description of Prince Andrey's death. In contrast, the concept of eternal recurrence imposes a "heaviness" on life and the decisions that are made – to borrow from Nietzsche's metaphor, it gives them "weight". Nietzsche believed this heaviness could be either a tremendous burden or great benefit depending on the individual's perspective.[1]

The "unbearable lightness" in the title also refers to the lightness of love and sex, which are themes of the novel. Kundera portrays love as fleeting, haphazard and possibly based upon endless strings of coincidences, despite holding much significance for humans.

In the novel, Nietzsche's concept is attached to an interpretation of the German adage Einmal ist keinmal ("one occurrence is not significant"), namely an "all-or-nothing" cognitive distortion that Tomáš must overcome in his hero's journey. He initially believes "If we only have one life to live, we might as well not have lived at all," and specifically (with respect to committing to Tereza) "There is no means of testing which decision is better, because there is no basis for comparison." The novel resolves this question decisively that such a commitment is in fact possible and desirable. [2]


The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984) was not published in the original Czech until 1985 by the exile publishing house 68 Publishers (Toronto, Canada). The second Czech edition was published in October 2006, in Brno, Czech Republic, some eighteen years after the Velvet Revolution, because Kundera did not approve it earlier. The first English translation by Michael Henry Heim was published in hardback in 1984 by Harper & Row in the US and Faber and Faber in the UK and in paperback in 1985.[3]


In 1988, an American-made film adaptation of the novel was released starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Lena Olin and Juliette Binoche. In a note to the Czech edition of the book, Kundera remarks that the movie had very little to do with the spirit either of the novel or the characters in it.[4] In the same note Kundera goes on to say that after this experience he no longer allows any adaptations of his work.

Milan Kundera
Milan Kundera redux.jpg
Born (1929-04-01) 1 April 1929 (age 87)
Brno, Czechoslovakia
Occupation Writer
Nationality Czech
Ethnicity Czech
Citizenship France
Alma mater Charles University, Prague; Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Genre Novel[1]
Notable works The Joke (?ert) (1967)
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (1979)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984)
Notable awards Jerusalem Prize
The Austrian State Prize for European Literature
Vilenica International Literary Festival
Herder Prize
Czech State Literature Prize
Relatives Ludvík Kundera (1891–1971), father
Ludvík Kundera (cousin)

布拉格,一座充滿矛盾的完美城市,現代和古老相輝映,琢磨出世界上最剔透的水晶琉璃,也孕育了卡夫卡、米蘭.昆德拉(Milan Kundera)的文學靈魂。而布拉格人是「以一個笑話,而不是一把劍,向被人瞧不起的獨裁者傳遞他們的優雅。」


談起「布拉格之春」,人們自然會想起電影《布拉格之春》,那是改編自米蘭.昆德拉的小說《生命不可承受之輕》(The Unbearable Lightness Of Being),書中寫的其實是以「布拉格之春」事件為背景的愛情故事,不是寫該次事件的來龍去脈。

回顧歷史,一九一八年,捷克正式獨立,並以布拉格為首都。二次大戰時,德國入侵,把布拉格變為受保護的波希米亞。戰後四十年,捷克成為東歐共產鐵幕成員,自由受到前蘇聯強烈壓製,至一九六八年八月 於溫塞斯拉( Wenceslas )廣場,卒爆發著名「布拉格之春」運動,華沙公約軍開入鎮壓,有超過一百名示威者被殺害。




事件始自一九六八年一月,在捷共中央全會上,改革派杜布切克(Alexander Dubcek),當選為黨的第一書記,改革力量在黨內取得了統治地位。之後,在捷克出現「布拉格之春」的新局麵。然而,正當整個捷克大地漾動著改革的春潮,從莫斯科吹來了陣陣寒風,終於在八月二十日,蘇、匈、波、保、東德五國出兵侵佔捷克,無情地撲滅了改革之火。



















布拉格之念 精選

已有 1627 次閱讀 2016-8-1 20:05 |個人分類:旅遊|係統分類:生活其它|關鍵詞:旅遊 攝影 布拉格    推薦到群組


第一感物是人非。景依然還是那些景:來往穿梭的有軌電車;擠滿人群的老廣場;碧波粼粼的伏爾塔瓦河; 充滿藝術氣息的查理大橋;登高把全城美景盡收眼底的布拉格城堡......。和十幾年前比,感覺人潮湧動愈加明顯,更為明顯的是同胞遊客隨處可見。還有,好不容易習慣了哥本哈根的高物價,來到布拉格消費,怎一個爽字了得!


出發之前,在家裏重溫了一遍電影碟片?布拉格之戀?,試圖為這次旅行注入些不同“逼格”的東西--當然,我以前也確實喜歡過朱麗葉比諾什(Juliette Binoche)主演的幾部電影。回過頭來看,有些元素已經漸漸遠離我等的年齡層次。旅遊就是旅遊,把沉重曆史背景下的爛漫而憂傷的愛情故事和懷揣濃濃詩哲味的米蘭昆德拉們擱在一邊,輕鬆愜意看風景也許更為合適。


























38 李輕舟 王榮林 曾泳春 徐令予 羅德海 徐長慶 陸綺 蔣永華 劉欣 武夷山 劉玉仙 楊正瓴 張叔勇 嶽東曉 高建國 王德華 王春豔 徐曉 杜敏彪 黃永義 李穎業 劉光銀 趙美娣 鍾炳 張紅旗 韓玉芬 黃秀清 吉宗祥 朱曉剛 羅帆 許培揚 寧利中 餘國誌 李勝文 xlianggg jiareng louiexp againstlaw

發表評論 評論 (20 個評論)

[20]李勝文  2016-8-2 10:13
breath-taking - your photos deprived air of surroundings. Magnificent!
[19]陸綺  2016-8-2 09:09
[18]餘國誌  2016-8-2 08:16
[17]黃秀清  2016-8-2 03:35
[16]崔堯  2016-8-2 03:32
[15]韓楓  2016-8-2 02:20
[14]張紅旗  2016-8-2 02:10
[13]鍾炳  2016-8-2 01:55
[12]張士宏  2016-8-2 01:38
[11]李穎業  2016-8-2 01:03
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:17)現在這個“之春”那個“之春”的多了起來,大家也都明白了。
[10]黃永義  2016-8-2 01:03
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:44)謝謝!
[9]jiareng  2016-8-1 23:59
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:43)旅遊熱點,不幹淨哪行嗬
[8]張叔勇  2016-8-1 23:21
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:42)有空就出去走走
[7]楊正瓴  2016-8-1 23:19
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:41)三家朋友相約而行,老大有自己的事情。
[6]張士宏  2016-8-1 23:09
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:25)我們也去了CK,下篇會說。
[5]xlianggg  2016-8-1 22:41
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:19)謝謝!
[4]蔣永華  2016-8-1 22:21
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:19)蔣老師高見
[3]陸綺  2016-8-1 21:52
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:16)老街都是步行街,外圍還是有汽車的。
[2]table  2016-8-1 21:45
博主回複(2016-8-2 01:15)  
[1]曾泳春  2016-8-1 20:55
博主回複(2016-8-1 21:09)等待看你的印度洋風情
博主回複(2016-8-1 21:06)個人覺得,歐洲的現代文明是可以作為標杆的。通過什麽途徑接近或達到可以探討,但不應否認。
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