
請置頂 - 急問 (兒童糖尿病I):9歲女兒酮症酸中毒 Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)住院。 如何應對?

(2011-11-14 18:42:38) 下一個
急問 (兒童糖尿病I):9歲女兒酮症酸中毒 Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)住院。 如何應對? 怎樣照顧I型糖尿病兒童?

Sorry, I am slow in Chinese input. Please allow me to type in English.

My 9-years-old daughter visited China three weeks ago and had cold/flu symptoms, such as vomiting, no appetite and lethargic. We took her to see doctors in hospital in China twice and she was treated as stomach upset and normal cold. The hospital even give her 葡萄糖點滴 (don’t know the English for it).

The third time we sent her to hospital, the hospital did blood and urine lab, both showed high sugar levels. Ketone was found in her urine. Her blood sugar lever was 38 (the normal range should be under 6). She was diagnosed with DKA 酮症酸中毒.

Now, she was further diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. We did not have a family history of diabetes and my daughter is in China. Now, she needs to monitor her blood sugar more than 10 times a day and have 4 insulin injections. Her blood sugar lever changes significantly before and after meal (6 to 8 before the meal and 13-16 after the meal).

My questions are:
1. When will be safe to bring her back to the US (hospitalization is China is very expensive)? How long approximately will it take for her blood sugar to be stabilized?

2. She is only 9-years-old. I worry about she forgets blood sugar monitoring, injecting insulin or have sugar pill whenever she needs and may endanger her life. Can a 9-years-old take care of her diabetes? What can I do? How about when she is at school?

3. What is the best way for a parent to care a child diabetic patient to ensure her a healthy and happy life? Does pump help? Or is there an ultimate way to solve the problem, such as organ transplant?

4. Can a girl with diabetes have normal life, eventually get married and have normal babies? What would be different as a diabetic patient? Can she still have normal activities, exercises and go anywhere for travel?

5. We have other children, both older and younger than her. How could we change our family schedule to help her, both physically and emotionally? Do we need to change family diet to a specific diabetic diet?

6. What did we do wrong? Why she got diabetes so early in her life? Her other siblings are all healthy.

Just feel overwhelmed and stressed out. If you are a doctor, a diabetic patient or know someone that has the similar experience, please share the insights with us. If you are a fellow parent, please give me some advice. Thanks!!

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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
dou2mi 回複 悄悄話 先不要去試驗TRANSPLANT,國內有些醫院說能治好的,但我美國的醫生說會有排異性的,要終生吃藥,副作用大。 而且技術不成熟,有一定的危險。


dou2mi 回複 悄悄話 我也是幾年前得的1型。 希望我的經曆對你有幫助。




有糖尿病的孩子可以過NORMAL LIFE的,生孩子都可以的。


