To Mr H and 好人一路走好
(2014-08-15 23:50:56)
To Mr T and 好人一路走好
Forgive me for saying something bad
You don’t look as sweet as you bake
You don't appear as smart as you work
Sometimes you are a little bit as quirky as good
All above are not important
The most important at all is that you have a heart for the world
Look all those green leaves climbing out your cubicle as they would
Tiny tiny shrimps in your desk tank swimming around near those plants
Flowers, Flowers, Order online flowers
I bet your garden grows near the magic towers
Rescue, Rescue, Time to Recue
Put on the superman cape as soon as we were trapped in nasty muddy Fescue
Farewell, Good man, peacefully Rest, Rest and Rest
May the God with you and flowers around your grave stone like a feast
Life is short,unfair and Fragile
Live the life as the way you likes
Love the one your heart follows
Care the person who cares about you
My dear friends
H先生是一個有趣,看起來有點邋遢 但很孩子氣臉頰紅撲撲有點絮叨的大男孩, 他最喜歡烤甜點,在公司的小隔間裏養各種植物動物, 愛幫助人, 當我們碰到難纏頭疼的問題, 他總是熱情幫助,最不可思議的是他一句中文不會,忽然有一天心血來潮要去中國, 買了票就去了, 遊了新疆,西藏, 很多我們警告他危險的地方,回來後胸前掛著毛主席像章,拿著紅寶書給我們看! 現在他因心髒病忽然走了,謹以此文悼念他, 一個很可愛的好人, 好人一路走好! 。。。。