  • 博客訪問:

【There\'s A Kind Of Hush】送我偶鍋巴

(2018-04-25 16:41:24) 下一個

毛妹E歌唱的好, 一直鼓勵我也嚐試唱E歌,為了給毛妹一個驚喜, 我下決心在毛妹生日之際送一首E歌。等唱了之後才覺得實在是眼高手低,口音太重,覺得糟蹋了卡朋特的這首經典歌,好幾次想打退堂鼓,改弦更張。。。經過幾番思想鬥爭, 還是決定不忘初心,雖然唱的不行,但為毛妹生日送歌的一片誠意可鑒! 

英文歌我實在不擅長,大師姐為了毛妹豁出去露怯了 ,但願不要把驚喜變成驚嚇。。。: ))祝毛局生日快樂!




there's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
You can hear the sound of lovers in love
You know what I mean
Just the two of us
And nobody else in sight
There's nobody else and I'm feelin good
Just holding you tight


so listen very carefully
Get closer now and you will see what I mean
It isn't a dream
The only sound that you will hear
Is when I whisper in your ear I love you
For ever and ever
There's a kind of hush
All over the world tonight
All over the world
People just like us are fallin' love



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