
關於Far-right group “Anti-Asian”簡稱 “亞洲人滾蛋”

(2011-05-11 19:57:47) 下一個

Anti-Chinese leaflets spark fear and anger

Former National Front leader Kyle Chapman is head of the Right Wing Resistance group. Photo / APN

A far-right Christchurch group has been condemned for circulating flyers in Auckland claiming an "Asian invasion" is taking place.

The group, which calls itself the Right Wing Resistance, has distributed "Stop the Asian Invasion" leaflets in suburbs with high Asian populations, including Pakuranga, Howick and Northcote.

Police are concerned that the campaign could lead to "racially motivated violence", says police Asian liaison officer Raymond Wong.

The group is headed by former National Front leader Kyle Chapman. It started the campaign in Christchurch last year.

"The police will not hesitate to prosecute anyone who commits or even incites any form of violence, especially racially motivated," said Mr Wong.

"Some in the Chinese community are deeply concerned about these racist flyers and have taken their worries not only to the police but also to local Chinese radio."

The group is recruiting other immigrants in its campaign against Asians.

A Brazilian student said she was told by a Resistance supporter in Northcote last Saturday that New Zealand was "a country for everyone, except Asians".


小弟來這個國家已經有十個年頭,為這個國家不能說是最優秀的公民但起碼也是個合格的,為什麽這個Far-right group 有資格來評價我們,這是個很明顯的民族歧視問題,特別是他們的口號a country for everyone, except Asians亞洲人從很早以前50年代已經在這裏紮根生活,一直都是和平的生活著,雖然有些小習慣不被人認同但這是由於各個國家的國情所決定的,但民族的性質是與人無爭的,小弟在這裏讀書到工作,一直為這個國家貢獻著,如果當初有的選擇就不會來這個國家,就像現在日益減少的亞洲移民,這裏更不值得被亞洲人占領像這個團體所說的,從現在這個國家的國情來分析,經濟大蕭條,政府國庫赤字,現在大家都生活都大不如前,在這個時候本來是更需要大家來拋開國界,共同努力讓國家強盛起來,而不是在生活水平下降時而埋怨他人,所以我在這裏希望身為亞洲人一份子的你(小弟是中國人),能站起來為我們屬於自己的權利而做些事情,告訴其他人聽我們不是一個成天被欺負的民族。請有相應的人回帖討論一下。


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