My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!


(2012-05-09 23:25:00) 下一個

A Love Letter to MYSJ’s voice gurus




美語壇的Voice gurus俺遇見的還有泡泡,jennea, 大S, 最近出現的shark,等等,前三位都出現在俺蕾絲小千的時候,所以沒戀上。Shark呢,被小曼圍著,俺不敢跟美麗刁蠻的公主爭寵,也就擦肩而過鳥。有誰的名字俺落下了的話,請盡快貼出錄音,讓俺暗戀一把。

入正文啦哈,我寫這個情史的時候想起個英文名字,選了Voice gurus instead of pronunciation/accent gurus.  因為 覺得這幾個網戀對象的功力已經超出了pronunciation. 他們跟我這等垂涎者的區別是他們的voice吸引人。我最近研究Voice的書的時候讀到這個:

It is said that in the days when the Temple stood in Jerusalem, an official known as the Caller would make early morning announcements in tones so hauntingly beautiful that women would pause in their morning chores to listen and, so it is reported, sometimes to faint from ecstasy.

I was like: What? They fainted? Was it because of the heat? It can’t be the heat, since it was in the morning.
From ecstasy? What kind of ecstasy? 我這個毛人想歪了: It sounds like an ecstasy from a very strong orgasm. Hoho,這些Caller的老婆怎麽這麽性福呢?根本不需要任何hard work,隻listen to their husbands,就faint啦? Wow, I want to be the Caller’s wife. Or I can learn the technique first and then teach my hubby to have this kind of voice. (哦, the Caller 不知道是不是和尚,可能不能娶媳婦。)

Anyway, 看了這段,讓我更想work on my voice了,不光是為了美味,還有sexual 方麵的功能,真是一舉兩得。哢哢。

另外呢,昨天烤麵包的時候有個人給的tip/inspiration, something like this:
If you aim for excellence, you will end up above mediocrity.
If you aim for mediocrity, you will sure end up below it.

其實在MYSJ的這些人,尤其guru們,都是aim for excellence的人,不然的話,英語夠交流就行了,加上手勢/body language和context,再犯幾次笑話丟點兒人,英語完全夠用了。但是咱們不是有追求的人嗎?有木有?!


所以俺現在就打算aim for the voice quality of the Caller啦,等幾年以後,咱們見麵了,你聽到俺的聲音,你如果不faint from ecstasy,至少因為俺Aim for the best voice quality,俺的voice quality得above mediocrity吧。

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