My Little English Corner

A new accent is an adventure. Be bold! Exaggerate wildly!


(2011-05-19 22:35:29) 下一個
 準時是文明社會中進行一切社交活動時必須養成的習慣。不準時將一事無成,事事都會陷入混亂不堪的境地。隻有在人口稀少的農村,才可以忽視準時的習慣。在日 常生活中人們可以容忍一定程度的不準時。一個專心鑽研某個複雜問題的知識分子,為了搞好手頭的研究,要把一切都協調一致、組織周密。因此,他要是赴宴遲到 了會得到諒解。但有些人不準時常常是因為掐鍾點所致,他們常常會受到責備。精力充沛、頭腦敏捷的人極不願意浪費時間,因此他們常想做完一件事後再去赴約。 要是路上沒有發生如爆胎、改道、突然起霧等意外事故,他們是決不會遲到的。他們與那些從不遲到的人相比,常常是更勤奮有用的公民。早到的人同遲到的人一樣 令人討厭。客人提前半小時到達是最令人討厭的。我家有幾個朋友就有這種令人惱火的習慣。唯一的辦法就是請他們比別的客人晚來半小時。這樣,他們可以恰好在 我們要求的時間到達。In modern society, punctuality is a must-have habit for attending all social activities. Nothing can be done and everything will be utter chaos if people are not on time. Only in some scarcely populated countryside can punctuality be ignored. In everyday life, people can tolerate unpunctuality to some extent. An intellectual who has been focused on a complicated research issue at hand, need to coordinate and arrange everything very well. Therefore, he would be forgiven(understood?) if he was late for dinner. But some people were late often because they procrastinate and were therefore reprimanded. An energetic and smart person doesn’t want to waste his time and always goes to an appointment after they finish something. If not for accidents like flat tire, detour or foggy weather, they would never be late. Comparing with those who are never late, they are often more diligent and capable (useful?) citizen. Being early is just as annoying as being late. The most annoying kind is being there half an hour early, which several friends of ours tend to do. The only solution is to tell them to come half an hour later than other guests. This way, they will be here just at the time we wanted.  如果趕火車,早到總比晚到好,哪怕早到一會兒也好。雖然早到可能意味著浪費一點時間,但這比誤了火車等上一個多 小時坐下一班車浪費的時間要少,而且可以避免那種正好在火車駛出站時趕到車站,因上不去車而感到的沮喪。更難堪的情況是雖然及時趕到站台上,卻眼睜睜地看 著那趟火車啟動,把你拋下。一個小姑娘第一次單獨出門就碰到了這種情況。To catch a train, it’s better to be early, even by a little bit, than late. Although to be early might mean to waste some time, it is much less waste than to miss the train and wait more than an hour for the next one. In addition, 太困了,先翻到這裏。 
 在火車進站20分鍾前她就進了車站。因為她的父母再三跟 她說,如果誤了這趟車,她的東道主朋友就得接她兩趟,這是不應該的。她把行李交給搬運工並給他看了車票。搬運工說她早到了兩個小時,她聽後大吃一驚。她從 錢包裏摸出一張紙條,那上麵有她父親對這次旅行的詳細說明,她把這張紙條交給了搬運工。搬運說,正如紙條上所說,確有一趟火車在那個時刻到站,但它隻停站 裝郵件,不載旅客。姑娘要求看時刻表,因為她相信父親不能把這麽大的事給弄錯。搬運工跑回去取時刻表,同時請來了站長。站長拿著時刻表一揮手,指著那趟列 車到站時刻旁邊的一個很小的圓圓標記。這個標記表示列車是為裝郵件而停車。正在這時,火車進站了。女孩淚流滿麵,央求讓她不聲不響地到押車員車廂裏去算 了。但站長態度堅決,規章製度不能破壞,姑娘隻得眼看著那趟火車消逝在她要去的方向而撇下了她
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