

(2012-10-04 15:57:09) 下一個


Window Media Player not playing mp3

當我把mp3 的地址放入window media player 的 file/open URL裏,a box appeared and said: “The file you are attempting to play has an extension (.mp3) that does not match the file format.”

這時你隻要在小方塊裏打個勾,然後點play鍵就play了,以後電腦就記住不再問你,window media player就暢通了。

注:這個error message看上去像是告訴你有問題,你該找出辦法來解決為什麽不match,古狗了半天,照著網上試了很多辦法都沒解決,垂頭喪氣之時心裏嘀咕,你這window media player不play mp3, 難道讓我play,就在一個小方塊裏打了個勾,然後就點play鍵,沒想到問題解決了。

問題 2

在播放器的扣裏用了volume="0", 有的電腦認定是Maximum,照放不誤,但有的電腦認為0就是mute, 播放器沒有wave. 就像第一個播放器的圖,左邊的第一個喇叭沒有wave,被靜音了,這時你要打開聲音:

在下圖的第一個播放器的最左邊的喇叭上,left mouse click, you will bring a vertical bar up with a dot. Move the dot upward to the top. After you release it, you will see the wave besides 喇叭, 像圖的第二個播放器.

問題 3
autostart="1" and autostart="true"

如果你用扣的 autostart="1", 你的電腦自動play, 別人的電腦不一定,這時就click the middle 三角形play鍵就行了, 見上圖。

如果你用扣的 autostart="true", 你的電腦自動play, 別人的電腦不一定,這時就click the middle 三角形play鍵就行了,見上圖。

問題 4
IE 可能disable了, 查查你的IE設置

Step 1 - Open IE / Click Tool / Internet options /

Step 2 - at security tab, 這一張圖裏有四個settings: internet, local intranet, trusted sites, restricted sites, 第一個internet 的 Enable Protected Mode不要打勾,這樣你可裝Adobe flash player 10 和下載一些東西,否則你會寸步難行。後麵的三個要 high security, don’t change anything. 見圖。

Step 3 - at security tab, click “custom level”, enable active control and plug ins

Set to medium-high (not high because too much security block yourself to do anything) 見下圖

Step 4 – at programs tab, click “Manage adds on”, change the status to “Enabled” for all.

問題 5

有時貼子裏有flashes影響了播放器的播放,圖也看不見,隻見一個叉叉. 可能你要裝Adobe Flash Player. 我裝了 Adobe Flash Player 10 解決了問題。Below is the link I downloaded Adobe Flash Player10.


問題 6
很有可能你的browser需要 add – on!

The website wants to run the following add-on:“Window Media Player”from “Microsoft Corporation”. If you trust the website and the add-on and want to allow it to run, click here.

At this time, you should right click on the message, choose run for this website.
為了安全起見,一個個website 加,不要run all websites.有些網站可能真不安全。

問題 7
什麽也看不見,可能pop-up not working

1. Click on the browser's Tools toolbar menu.
2. Select "Pop-up Blocker."
3. Select "Pop-up Blocker Settings…" This opens a window where you can type in "exceptions," meaning sites that you choose to allow pop-ups.
4. In the text box labeled "Address of Web site to allow," type in www.xxxxxxxxx.com (the website you want to add). Then click the "Add" button.
5. Click the "close" button at the bottom and continue.

有時電腦的瀏覽器上麵會有提示pop-up block, 有的話就點擊unblock.”

問題 8

當製帖者在recycle自己常用的扣版本時,常常會把新的url地址copy進去。就是你很小心,有時電腦會自作聰明的在前後自動給你加上個空格,“ http://space..... “,做貼人要記得把引號旁的空格刪掉,不少電腦對這過敏就聽不見了。碰到這樣的帖子,你就隻有把mp3取出來聽。

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