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初學油畫: Cats Playing Poker - 俺的習作(6)

(2011-06-11 12:28:32) 下一個

畫畫不僅是學習一門藝術,更是一種享受。所以,我畫畫就專門找CHALLENGE自己的題材畫。書上說:Gruop of figures are wonderful subjects for a painting, and they have provided artists with inspiration for centuries. Figures can tell stories about their relationships, their histories, and their predicaments, so artists have often grouped figures together to tell epic tales, depict religious stories, deliver a moral message, and record political events...A group figure painting is quite a challenge to organize and paint convincingly.

所以,為了organize well and paint convincingly, 我創作構思這幅畫時,隻畫4支貓,並把它們的位置擺好,還特意GOOLGE了一下PLAY POKER的RULE。畫麵正前方有兩支貓,右邊的是翻牌的DEALER,它邊上的貓因牌不好就放棄BET了。隨著這兩支貓的眼神望去,就知道畫麵最左和最右的兩支貓是在GAME中對峙的。誰手裏的牌好,誰在BLUFFING,觀者隻有猜測。。。我希望這是一個使人看了SMILE的FUN PAINTING。

為了表示是在室外PATIO DECK,所以畫了一個花盆。另外考慮到貓不識字,所以,撲克牌上沒數字,BETTING CHIPS也沒數字。

Cats Playing Poker - OIL ON CANVAS 24" x 36"

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viennali 回複 悄悄話 特別喜歡這幅畫,因為平時幾個朋友常在一起玩牌,所以一下子讓我想起了他們,AP24女士,可不可以和您聯係一下,有事相商量。