Tao(道):way or path; ongoing process of being and course it traces for each specific being or thing. It is not limited by any system or morality, and it continually undermines rational definitions. It is not predictable, but versatile (易).
The symbols produced by the I through divination (從易經裏問來的卦) try or test an acation by aubmitting it to the spirits and revealing its hidden roots. When you use these symbols in a versatile way, as imaginative models, they act like a sacred vessel (鼎), enacting a process of containment, scrifice and transformation. By doing this you acquire te (德),the virtue and power that comes through reflecting tao(道)in the events of your life.
Actualize-tao, TE (德),realize tao in action; power, virtue; ability to follow the course traced by the ongoing process of the cosmos. The ideogram: to go, straight, and heart. Linked with TE (德), acquire: acquiring that which makes a being become what it is meant to be.
Actualize-tao suggests that the continual process of straightening, clarifying and deepening the heart enables you to become what you are meant to be, correcting and straightening movement on the path or way of life. Someone who seeks to acquire this virtue, and thus to live their life as a manifestation of tao (道), is a chun tzu (君子).
Chun tzu(君子): ideal of a person who uses divination to order his/her life in accordance with tao(道)rahter than wilful intention. - 這就是君子的定義。
You are a chun tzu(君子)when you use the oracle to understand what is in harmony with tao(道)in any given situation in your life, to help and protectyourself through tao(道)rather than seeking control by imposing your will.
Great People (大人) : important, noble, influential; those who impose a ruling principle on their lives; effect of the great within an individual.
Small People (小人) : lowly, common, humble; those who adjust to circumstances with the flexibility of the small; effect of the small within an individual.
Great People, the effect of the great on an individual, means imposing an idea on things, independent of what that idea might be. Only when it is connected to actualize-tao (德) is it valued in itself.
Small People, the effect of the small on an individual, is not simply the shadow of the great, but points at the ability to let go of self-importance, quickly and humbly adapting to what croseses your path.
The chun tzu(君子)is not only a Great Person or only a Small Person, but seeks the capacity to act quikly and fluidly as both.
這裏提到,遇到生活中的難題,疑惑,我們怎樣知道actualize-tao (德) 在哪裏呢?下次我再接著談我怎樣問卦,對具體事件,我應怎麽做才是君子。