「時報訊」今年比賽於7月9日~16日在阿根廷舉行,來自全球52個國家約200名優秀高中生參加了這次年度奧賽,吳煜炎獲得了第29名的好成績。亞裔高中生在數學 與科學方麵的傑出表現在此次比賽中再次得到證實,有四位亞裔(三位華裔、一位韓裔)組成的美國隊獲二金和二銀牌。 美國隊選拔過程極其嚴格,今年二月約7000學生參加初賽,選出629名學生進入第二輪,於三月舉行的半決賽(SemifinalExam),吳煜炎在初賽和半決賽中分列全美第2和第4名。半決賽成績在前20位的決賽選手被邀請參加在喬治‧梅森大學舉辦的二週夏令營集訓,完成集訓後將接受生物理論及實驗考試,最後選出四名高中生代表美國去阿根廷參賽。值得欣慰的是,20位決賽選手中華裔佔了12位。吳煜炎是密蘇裏州在數學及科學方麵的優秀高中生,曾兩度入選美國數學奧林匹亞(USAMO)。吳煜炎曾經於2003年在同一屆美國國家奧林匹亞比賽中獲得二枚金牌、二枚銅牌,這是當年在俄亥俄哥倫布市的比賽中少有的好成績。吳煜炎對國家政策及政府功能也有著濃厚的興趣,他花大量時間和精力參加學校的辯論隊活動,他為政策辯論隊長並兩次打進全美辯論決賽,他同時還擔任學校青年模擬政府隊的會長。作為學校學術競賽隊(QuizBowl)的隊長,他帶領全隊贏得密蘇裏州冠軍。為表彰吳煜炎對學校的貢獻,Ladue學校授予他Dad's俱樂部獎學金,這也是學校給予畢業班同學的最高榮譽之一。廣泛的課外活動需要投入大量的精力,但這並沒有影響吳煜炎保持GPA4.0的成績,他選課也具有挑戰性,在所參加的15門AP考試中,14門5分,1門4分。在他所參加的標準考試中,他也取得了滿分或接近滿分的成績。雖然吳煜炎還沒有確定未來專業取向,他將於今秋入耶魯大學去接受廣泛的人文和科學方麵的教育。吳煜炎二歲來美,雙親為吳曉波、蔣小平夫婦。
Ladue Chinese Student Jason Wu won International Award
JasonWu, a 2006 graduate of Ladue Horton Watkins High School, who represented the United States and won a Silver Medal at the 17th International Biology Olympiad (IBO) held in Rio Cuarto, Argentina from July 9-16. Each country chose their top four students to form a national team to participate in annual IBO, Jason was ranked 29th place among about 200 competitors from 52 countries at this year's IBO. This year's four-person United States Team was composed by three Chinese Americans (Two were born in mainland China, One was born in the States with parents from Taiwan) and one female student from Korea.
Three steps were taken to finish the process of selecting the US National Team. In February, Jason took the Open Exam by earning the second place out of approximately 7,000 participants and was invited to take the Semifinal Exam in March, he received the 4th highest score of the 629 semifinalists and qualified, along with 19 other students, for the National Finals. At the National Finals held at George Mason University from June 1st-16th, after the vigorous exams on both practical and theory, Jason has been chosen as one of the top four students to represent the United States in Argentina. The whole selection process is solely based on the merits.
Jason was one of the top math and science students in the state of Missouri, he was qualified twice into the prestigious USA Math Olympiad (USAMO); In a single year when he was a freshman, he won two gold medals and two bronze medals from the National Science Olympiad held in Columbus, Ohio in May of 2003. Jason also has the interests on national policy and how government functions, he committed a significant amount of his time and energy on Ladue debate team while he served as the captain for policy debate and was qualified for national debate competitions for two consecutive years, he is also the president of the school's Youth-in Government club. As the co-founder and captain of the Ladue Quiz Bowl team (also known as Academic Team), he led the team to win the Missouri state Championship. For his contribution to the high school, Jason was awarded the Dad's Club Scholarship ($2,000), the highest honor that Ladue high school gave to a student from the graduation class.
Beside these extracurricular activities, Jason maintained a 4.0 on his GPA with the challenged course loads, he received the maximal scores of 5 on 14 out of 15 AP exams he took throughout his high school years. He achieved the perfect or near perfect scores on ACT, SAT I and three SATII tests. Although Jason was undecided on his major in the upcoming college years, he will be attending Yale University in the fall of 2006to get more broad liberal arts education.