第一次來是2006年。從Heathrow轉機飛Amsterdam的時候,跟的是British Airway,行李丟了!

第二次來是2008年。躲著BA及Heathrow,選了跟Qantas經Paris飛Dublin。哪知道當年Qantas的維修工程師正在鬧罷工,機頂一個除霜器壞了,竟然花了6個小時才找到配件,飛機因此極度晚點,一係列connecting flights都miss掉了。

這一次,因為想乘Qantas的premium economy,毅然決然主動選擇經Heathrow飛Dublin,心想反正已經習慣了,行李丟就丟了吧,豁出去了!

報了姓名和生日以後,邊檢員問:Have you ever used another passport, a Chinese passport, to apply for a visa for UK?
我說:No, I've never applied for a visa for the UK. I've always used my Australian passport coming here.
他問:Is your name popular? Since there's someone with the same name and the same date of birth here in the system who was refused for a visa before.
說完盯著我看每一個細微的表情變化,盯得偶不做賊都心虛,頭腦裏就閃現出Border Security裏一些帶毒的旅客信誓旦旦說自己沒有帶毒的鏡頭。
於是問:When was that?
他似乎有了希望,說,“2000,2005. Twice.”
我說,I've got my Australian passport since 2003. I wouldn't need a visa for UK in 2005. You see?"
於是說:My flight is closing gate at 8:30. I'm going to miss it if I can't pass soon.
他搖搖頭說,“I can't let you pass without checking this properly. If you have applied for a UK visa before, you can tell me now. Because if you don't, I'll find out myself. If you miss this flight, we'll get you on the next flight."
我說,“It's not me. I've never applied for a UK visa before."
他想了想說,"Why do you go to Ireland?"
我說,“Business trip."
他說,“Do you have an invitation letter?"
我說,“I don't. It's our own company. I don't need to be invited. I normally only arrange invitation letters if I need a visa. Since I don't need a visa I didn't organize a letter."
他說,“Do you have anything else that you can use to help me believe that you are here for business."
我說,“Maybe I can show you my business card." 說著遞上了一張名片。
十幾分鍾後他回來了,說,“The other person has the same name and the same birthday as you. But it turned out that one was a guy. What I did was that I've updated our system so that next time you come again, we'll know that one was not you."

我長出了一口氣說,“Good to know. Thank you."

又經過七折八轉,到了Aer Lingus的服務台,確定原定的班機肯定已經錯過了。好在一小時後就有下一趟航班。
到了Dublin, 對行李就沒報什麽希望。

到了邊檢,問:Why are you here in Ireland?
答:Business trip.
問:Tell me about your business.
答:Well, I've got 3 people working for me here in Dublin. I'm here to meet them.
問:Wow! 3 people working for you in Ireland! And you live in Australia! Crazy isn't it?
答:Well, kind of.

問:Which company do you work for?
問:What does S do?
答:Information secutiry...Information protection...or best to say online experience protection.
問:S? Online exprience protection...Why don't you meet online? You know video conference. I suppose it's pretty safe for you.
答:Oh we use that all the time. But occassionally we like to meet people in person.
應:Welcome to Ireland.

應:Thank you.

隻不過小Garmin GPS 找不到我的hotel. Crowne Plaza 列了一大串,從2公裏以內的,到幾百公裏之外的都有,就是沒有Blanchardstown Dublin 15的。
Blackberry 也被我把電玩兒沒了。

隻好朝著Blanchardstown Center開。
到了Town Center,跑到一個商店裏求救。小姑娘說,沒事兒,Crowne Plaza 就在邊上。朝前開,第一個轉盤右轉,開到底就看到了。
可能就是遊走江湖,起個嚇人的名字給自己壯膽 :)