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Andrew's Piano Audition

(2006-05-22 20:39:56) 下一個

Andrew passed his first piano audition last Sunday.  He was a little nervous and had an accident at the fourth piece.  Overall he did a great job and the teacher was very pleased with him. 

He finally got to open the toy that I bought for him for his award, which was there in his bedroom for a couple weeks, only allowed to look without opening.  Daddy got him a fancy basketball net with shaft, which everyone in the family enjoyed quite a bit since it got set up on Sunday afternoon.  Daddy placed it on our huge deck and we took turns to practice shooting baskets.  Andrew was pretty good at it and he scored 10 times tonight after dinner.

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寒枝 回複 悄悄話 抱歉剛看到applaud MM的留言.
麻煩嘛, 也就是會受到懲罰. 根據具體情況和錯誤輕重, 會被剝奪周末看電視和玩遊戲的權利, 或者得不到新玩具, 等等不一啦. 不過我有時候也會心虛, 不知將來他更獨立的時候是否我就沒什麽招兒了.
applaud 回複 悄悄話 "麻煩大了"?

寒枝 回複 悄悄話 不好意思, 好象是啊:(
我常常跟勞工抱怨來著: "本來俺們雖不算窈窕, 好歹也是溫柔嫻淑的; 現如今已經被生活千錘百煉, 煉成了潑婦啦, 真鬱悶……”
曉風殘月 回複 悄悄話 寒枝姐是個厲害媽媽?!
寒枝 回複 悄悄話 哦, 是說他開玩具的事啊? 這是源於我這個做媽媽的太說到做到, 他知道要是提前開了就麻煩大了.
也許我平時是有點兒過了? 反正他沒開不是因為沉得住氣, 是因為沒這膽兒:(
中年人 回複 悄悄話 曉風MM said it for me. Thanks!
曉風殘月 回複 悄悄話 He is very 沉得住氣, because he kept the toy as it was for weeks, which was very difficult for such a young boy.
寒枝 回複 悄悄話 我怎麽沒覺得他沉得住氣呢? 也許我自己脾氣太慢, 所以ANDREW 在我眼裏是個典型的急躁型:(
中年人 回複 悄悄話 7歲的孩子就那麽能沉得住氣,很有大將風度