
“the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul” Democritus
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Elizabeth George係列

(2011-02-12 17:42:14) 下一個
Elizabeth George is an author, teacher, and speaker whose ministry is dedicated to teaching the Bible to women in a way that changes their lives. Her books have sold more than 7 million copies. She is ranked in the "Top 20 Authors of 2010" by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Her works include: (*** indicates "Bestseller" status)

A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus***
Walking with the Women of the Bible***
A Girl After God's Own Heart*** - currently on ECPA and CBA Bestseller lists, young adult category
Breaking the Worry Habit...Forever!***
Following God with All Your Heart*** - nominated for 2010 Gold Medallion Book Award, Christian living category
A Mom After God's Own Heart***
Finding God's Path Through Your Trials***
A Wife After God's Own Heart***
A Woman After God's Own Heart® - over 1 million sold ***
A Young Woman After God's Own Heart ***
A Young Woman's Walk with God***
A Young Woman's Call to Prayer***

A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices*** - winner of 2010 Retailers Choice book award
Life Management for Busy Women***
A Woman's High Calling*** - 10 Essentials for Godly Living
Remarkable Women of the Bible***
Powerful Promises™ for Every Woman***
Beautiful in God's Eyes - The Treasures of the Proverbs 31 Woman
A Woman's Walk with God - Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit - winner of Retailers Choice book award
Loving God with All Your Mind***
God's Wisdom For Little Boys
God's Wisdom For Little Girls*** - Wisdom & Fun from Proverbs 31!
A Woman After God's Own Heart® Bible Study Series (12 studies)***
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