SUMMARY:今天(02月08日星期一)開盤時的房貸利率價格和昨日相比持平。目前重新貸款40萬左右的利率,30年固定利率穩定在3.625%,15年固定利率穩定在2.875%,5/1 ARM利率穩定在2.750%。購房貸款40萬左右,30年固定利率穩定在3.500%,15年固定利率穩定在2.750%,5/1 ARM利率穩定在2.625%。
注:除非特別說明,以下列出的利率都是基於本帖底部的貸款參數,並且是帶impound account的利率。
******************************* CALIFORNIA *******************************
(Based on Conforming Loan $380K, High-Balance Loan $550K, Jumbo Loan $750K.
See other assumptions at the bottom of the post) PRIMARY RESIDENCE - REGULAR REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.625 2.875 3.375 2.750 2.750 3.000 >$417K 3.875 3.000 ------ ------ 2.875 3.250 Jumbo 4.125 3.500 ------ ------ 2.750 3.250 PRIMARY RESIDENCE - CASH-OUT REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.750 3.125 3.625 3.000 3.000 3.375 >$417K 4.000 3.500 ------ ------ 3.125 3.375 PRIMARY RESIDENCE - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.500 2.750 3.250 2.750 2.625 2.875 APR 3.551 2.840 3.281 2.822 2.645 2.915 >$417K 3.625 2.875 ------ ------ 2.750 3.125 APR 3.669 2.933 ------ ------ 2.769 3.164 Jumbo 3.875 3.250 ------ ------ 2.625 2.990 APR 3.918 3.304 ------ ------ 2.650 3.022 INVESTMENT PROPERTY - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.875 3.250 3.625 3.125 2.750 3.000 APR 3.909 3.307 3.693 3.234 2.778 3.048 ******************************** TEXAS ********************************
(Based on Conforming Loan $200K, Jumbo Loan $500K.
See other assumptions at the bottom of the post) PRIMARY RESIDENCE - REGULAR REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.625 3.000 3.500 2.875 3.125 3.500 >$417K 4.250 4.250 ------ ------ 3.500 3.375 PRIMARY RESIDENCE - CASH-OUT REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 4.000 3.375 3.750 ------ 3.750 3.750 >$417K 4.250 4.000 4.000 ------ 3.125 3.375 PRIMARY RESIDENCE - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.625 2.875 3.375 2.750 2.625 2.875 APR 3.655 2.892 3.406 2.853 2.672 2.923 >$417K 3.750 3.250 ------ ------ 2.625 2.990 APR 3.757 3.286 ------ ------ 2.642 3.004 INVESTMENT PROPERTY - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.875 3.125 3.625 3.125 2.625 3.000 APR 3.917 3.214 3.655 3.202 2.674 3.040 ******************************** FLORIDA ********************************
(Based on Conforming Loan $300K, High-Balance Loan $500K for FL Keywest Area only.
See other assumptions at the bottom of the post) PRIMARY RESIDENCE - REGULAR REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.750 3.125 3.625 3.125 3.750 3.875 >$417K 4.500 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ PRIMARY RESIDENCE - CASH-OUT REFINANCE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 4.000 3.375 3.875 3.250 ------ ------ >$417K 4.875 3.520 ------ ------ ------ ------ PRIMARY RESIDENCE - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.500 2.750 3.375 2.750 2.625 2.875 APR 3.538 2.818 3.451 2.849 2.660 2.922 >$417K 3.750 3.125 ------ ------ 2.625 2.875 APR 3.758 3.158 ------ ------ 2.642 2.884 INVESTMENT PROPERTY - PURCHASE: 30-Yr 15-Yr 20-Yr 10-Yr 5/1 ARM 7/1 ARM <=$417K 3.875 3.125 3.625 3.250 2.625 3.000 APR 3.883 3.212 3.679 3.297 2.674 3.041 Please note that the rates are subject to mid-day changes. This is especially true when stock and bond markets move radically during the day.
Rates above are based on the following assumptions:
1. Loan Amount: See detailed loan amounts under the State name above;
2. Loan-To-Value (LTV):
- <=70% for Primary Residence Conforming Refinance & Purchase;
- <=70% for Primary Residence Conforming Cash-Out Refinance;
- <=75% for Primary Residence Super-Conforming Refinance and Purchase (except for 7/1 ARM which is <=70%);
- <=65% for Primary Residence Super-Conforming Cash-Out Refinance;
- <=75% for Investment Property Conforming Purchase;
- <=65% for Jumbo Refi & Purchase. (not first home buyer for purchase)
3. Primary Residence (except specified);
4. Single Family Residence;
5. Credit score>=760;
6. With Impound/Escrow Account;
7. 30-day lock;
8. US Citizen or Permanent Resident (Sorry, this is a requirement by the lender from which the above rates are based)
9. Rates are subject to change without notice. Credit qualification is required
For Refinance, rates are based on No Point No Fee. So APR for Refinance = Refinance Rate.
For scenarios outside the above assumptions, please contact local loan officers for case inquiry.
注:以上凡是沒有表明利率的loan program,意味著該program做不了no point的貸款,需要收point才能做。