
welcomelm, 陰在陽之內,不在陽之對

(2007-02-02 23:21:45) 下一個
You sure you really understood what that meant? hehe, come on, baby, no dirty mind, all right? That is from the 瞞天過海: "備周則意怠;常見則不疑。陰在陽之內,不在陽之對。太陽,太陰。" 陰陽是我國古代傳統哲學和文化思想的基點, even FaLunGong steals that ... So, that has nothing to do with what you thought what you claimed of understanding ...

You little dirty minded man :) Young man, you can talk dirty but you can not think dirty, that is the rule ... You have a long way to go... hehe ...

All right, no time for this crap, got to do something which makes more sense now ....
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