
Quotes from Forrest Gump

(2007-02-02 23:21:44) 下一個

I found from online, I am not that "smart" to remember all of those although it is one of my favoriate movies ... BTW, what I remembered is not here ...

Jeney asked Forrest: Why you treat me so well.
Forrest: Because you are my girl.

I felt it is damn touching ... but a lot of people do not think so. I once talked with a very intelligent female friend about that but she did not agree with me ... She said: "love is not like farming, you keep puting effort and after many years, you get something" ... I have to say what she said makes some damn sense, if I were jenny, probably I would not be with Forrest who was definately a "fool"... Jenny did not have a happy childhood (her farther got some family abuse problem, maybe a lot of people did not notice that from that movie) ... It is decided that she will leave and pursue something she believes ... For example, the folk singer, aimless travelling ... When she finally married Forrest, she knew she was sick and she did not much time left ... Of course, the love jenny defines is far beyond what Forrest believes, but finally she still made a round trip back to forrest and finished her destiny ... Isn't that a little bit ironic? Jenny is a lucky girl, since she has Forrest, and why she is so lucky that after so many years she still has forrest is only because Forrest is a fool... Isn't that ironic? I guess life itself is ironic ...

Memorable Quotes from Forrest Gump
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