Sunny Tsai的催眠世界

因著對心靈的探索與智慧的嚮往,於是,選擇這條邁向內在朝聖之旅為誌業。 在科學與宗教的慣性之外,是否可以超越時空與物質的範疇,一探生命的奧秘和究竟?而造物者啊!你的計畫又是什麼? 內我無時無刻地問著:我是誰?我從哪裡來?要往哪裡去?我感知到冥冥之中有個安排,


(2010-06-26 22:01:49) 下一個

Mind Body & Soul invite Sunny Tsai to present a Hypnosis Workshop for Imprint

Date:Tue Jul 6, 2010 / 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Mind Body & Soul has invited Sunny Tsai to present a Hypnosis Workshop for Imprint

There are 4 things everyone should learn about hypnosis:

1) All hypnosis is not the same

2) Hypnosis is a powerful, effective and 100% natural part of you

3) In hypnosis, you are always in control

4) Going into hypnosis isn’t the same as being asleep

What is Imprint? Where do imprints come from? When do imprint take place?

An imprint is a message that has reached the core of the subconscious mind.
> An imprint may be positive or negative.
> The imprint does not need to be logical or sensible in order to effect us.
> Every human being has hundreds of imprints.
> Imprints can give you talents or they can prevent you from achieving success in your life
> Imprint can be generated by something that you hear, see, feel or read
> Imprints are likely to take place during a frightening moment
> Imprints take place when we are more emotional
> Imprints can take place through the use of repetition
> Imprints happen when we are experiencing a high level of stress

Please visit Sunny's website

Please contact Sat at to reserve your place.

For more information regarding Mind Body & Soul please visit their website

Mind Body and Soul meets every Tuesday

This event is free to members, $2 drop in for non-members

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