東海神話 寫於Michael Jackson周年
去年的今天----2009年6月25日,一代天皇巨星, the King of Pop---MJ過世了。 熟悉我的朋友大都知道我對歌手和選歌的苛刻,甚至偏頗,在成名的職業歌手裏,能被我認為是偶像的,很少,很少。到目前為止,MJ是我心裏的No.1。 第一次聽他的歌是80年代滿大街在賣的“真棒”,那時我很小,一直就不明白,明明是個壞小子(Bad),為什麽還說是真棒?還有他的長頭發,黑睫毛,怎麽看都像個小癟三。因為沒有錢,Bad還是找同學借了卡帶翻錄的。說實話,一開始還真受不了他每一句快歌都有的“嘖”聲,覺得像氣息斷檔了。奇怪的是這麽犄角旮旯裏聽到的歌聲,卻足以讓我耳目一新,奪魂懾魄。 到了90年代初專輯“Dangerous”在海澱出現,CD我還是買不起,但是卡帶終於可以自己花錢買了。最後的結局是:聽到這盤磁帶被隨身聽卷成一堆磁粉。 來到美國,買的第一盒音樂DVD,就是MJ的History,這回有完整畫麵了,終於可以沉浸在他的小宇宙裏分享哀傷,快樂,顫栗,驚恐。每首歌都充滿個性:You are not alone, Lisa M. Presley不啻是位天使,MJ更像丘比特;Stranger in Moscow,陰暗,壓抑,無處可躲;Childhood,不願長大的夢想,還有天真的快樂,原來每個孩子都有。 再後來MJ變成media口中的怪物,我相信他不是壞人,雖然我也不能為他辯護。唯一能做的就是keep distance from這些爛新聞。直到This is it的新聞發布,不免又激動了一陣,沒有想到,這真的會成為他的final curtain call…… 再聽到他的You are not alone的時候,獨自駕車,無語哽咽~~實在沒辦法唱這首,所以選了他的Childhood來翻唱,特別把我的vocal升了一度,唯有更接近他的原唱,才是真正對他的致敬。 RIP,Michael! 天妒英才,天妒英才!天妒英才!!!
非常高興東海翻唱了MJ的這首歌! 在此,也借東海的歌聲,紀念Michael-----一位心地善良的歌舞音樂創作天才!)
Have you seen my Childhood? I'm searching for the world that I come from 'Cause I've been looking around In the lost and found of my heart... No one understands me They view it as such strange eccentricities... 'Cause I keep kidding around Like a child, but pardon me...
People say I'm not okay 'Cause I love such elementary things... It's been my fate to compensate, for the ChildhoodI've never known...
Have you seen my Childhood? I'm searching for that wonder in my youth Like pirates and adventurous dreams, Of conquest and kings on the throne...
Before you judge me, try hard to love me, Look within your heart then ask, Have you seen my Childhood? People say I'm strange that way 'Cause I love such elementary things, It's been my fate to compensate, For the Childhood I've never known...
Have you seen my Childhood? I'm searching for that wonder in my youth Like fantastical stories to share The dreams I would dare, watch me fly...
Before you judge me, try hard to love me. The painful youth I've had
Have you seen my Childhood.... ========================================================== |