2010年6月20日是父親節(Sunday),Monica 給爸爸寫了一封信,並且贈送Coupon,上麵寫著爸爸在父親節那天,可以一天不做家務,全由媽媽來做。而且明確告訴我,可不隻是父親節一天,而是從這之後的一年時間裏都不用做任何家務。
Dear 爸爸:(看來中文沒白學,還會寫兩字)
You are the best dad in the whole world. (我證明,父女情深似海)
Remember the time when we went to the movies and mom fell asleep? (這事我沒印象,似乎不是這樣的。)
But you didn't.
Also when we went camping and I couldn't find the washroom? Well, you found it for me. (這種小事都記得,看來家長要注意言行啊,小孩子可是很有心的)
Also the time when I couldn't getting earrings off? You help me.(確實是愛思考的爸爸的一雙巧手給拿下來的,之前媽媽弄了半天也沒下來。)
I think you're the best helper in the whole world. You always try to cheer me up.(確實是,隻要父女倆在一起,那是笑聲不斷,在一個床上兩個腦袋並排躺著看書有之,滿床打滾有之,草地翻跟頭有之,一起滑雪有之。。。,Monca騎自行車,跟在後麵跑的永遠是爸爸。Monica挑食嚴重,不吃媽媽做好的飯,出去為她買飯的還是爸爸。隻要有爸爸,Monica就是幸福的)
Remember the time when I slipped in ice? You're not just a good helper, you're also a really good look, and I think you deserve a rest on Father's Day, which is why I got you a coupon! Unlimited computer uses! and... no dish washing! and it's all free! (本來幹的就不多,現在更好了。)
I hope you like the coupon.(爸爸太喜歡了,希望天天都是父親節)
June 20,2010
