(2010-08-10 12:20:05)
兒子馬上要上二年級了。說實話,我是不主張跳級的,可兒子一年級都在混,連他老師都說他的閱讀,寫作和數學決對是三年級水平。 Enhance program 也得二年級才開始,所以他一年級都在混,喜歡和同學玩,但 he didn\'t feel motivated and challenged academically with kids at the same age.
Pros to 跳級: 1) up to his academic level.2) work a year early.
Cons: 1) He won\'t have any familiar faces who grow up with him from school and after-school program. 2) Not sure whether he feels emotionally out of place with a year older kids. 3) leave parents to college one year earlier.