
Buy Books

(2013-10-27 22:09:15) 下一個

Keke wanted to buy book in the school book fair.

She chose a list of books from the flyer, and then we enclosed a ten dollor bill in an envelope.

Keke told us that, during the day, she informed the teacher that she wanted to go the place again to buy books. The teacher then let her go by herself to the book room to buy.

Keke told us that she knew the direction. When she got there, she handed in the envelope to the lady, then she got two books in return, along with two cents and a receipt in the envelope.

Keke was very happy with this experrience.

I remembered my experience, when I was a kid, at her age, 我想去商店買火柴, 那時叫洋火。 自己拿著兩毛錢,和另一個小朋友一起去買。 我們不敢問價錢,就說買洋火,心裏想怎麽也能買一包吧。結果女售貨員給了10包,原來兩分錢一包。 大大出乎我們預料。。。。。


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