


(2010-09-09 09:43:56) 下一個

鋼琴手指學校的作業,命題作文:Everything I know about life I learned from ,,,,


Everything I know about life I learned from raising cats

 Nothing is quite like the experience of raising a cat. When I got my first cat, Lisa, I was totally not expecting all of the responsibilities, accidents, and happiness that came with her on the first day I took her home. Most importantly, though, was the experience I gained from raising Lisa. When I got my second cat, Neo, the transition from shelter to home was a lot smoother. Just knowing some simple tricks and details about raising cats can greatly improve your cat’s life and yours.

Refill the food bowl when it’s empty. Be a responsible person, and pay attention to minor details.

 Clean the litter box before it gets too dirty. Don't procrastinate on anything, before it’s too late to do anything.

Give your cats attention every day. Care about the people who care about you.

Buy new toys once in a while. Preventing boredom can keep you from doing dumb things.

Don’t leave home too often. Be with your relatives and loved ones as frequently as you can.

Put away shiny, fragile objects. Do what you can to prevent the inevitable, but remember that the inevitable is inevitable.

Don’t feed too many treats. Too much or too little of anything can be harmful.

Don’t underestimate the height a cat can jump. Don’t look down upon anybody, and don't form stereotypes about people you don’t even know well.

Stay calm if a big fur ball with a wet nose wakes you up in the middle of the night. Try to adapt to other people’s schedules!


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CEO們呢?倆CEO正在飯廳欣賞雜草叢生後院View :)

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