

(2010-04-30 07:32:38) 下一個

白女:only in a related field, but with very extensive experience. She is in her mid 30s, single. Technically she will need fewer training after she comes. My husband happens to know her and said she has great work ethics, which is critical to me.

男中: Will graduate in summer in the field, but no practical experience in USA. In his late 20s, single, raised as a single child in a big city in China. I happen to know his Chinese adviser, who said he is good technically, but I need to give young people to get mature. My concern is that I need to babysit him for a while and deal with his work ethics, which I am not very sure.

So if I give 白女 9 out of 10, I will 男中 7 out of 10. If 男中is white, I will definitely go with 白女.

However, my only hesitation is that since they both are not bad, I should take care of Chinese when I have the opportunity like Indians. My husband said I may pay for the price if I don\'t make a professional decision.

Your thoughts are appreciated
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