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[Study ] Caravaggio, The Supper at Emmaus, 1601

(2013-09-18 05:29:02) 下一個

* Painting from the bible story: Gospel of Luke (24: 30-31): 3 days after Jesus crucifixion, in Emmaus, a town near Jerusalem, 2 disciples Luke and Leopas, met a stranger and invite him to have a dinner together, at the moment they saw this stranger broke bread, a hand with a blessing gesture,   they were all shocked and recognized he was Jesus. Resurrection!  So this painting is depicting that moment of excitement and shock!

Full of Realistic, Hi drama, emotion
Light  and shadow, Darkness --> theatrical setting
Colour: Red , green, so contrast
Interactive: painting and viewers:
Hands movement: blessing, inviting, + strong perspective by open arms with foreshorten hand
Still life hanging off the  table --> a huge sound anticipated! -> engaging the audience,
Realistic: Jesus, shaved, poor people wearing  a torn clothing (St Luke), ScarllopShell of a Pilgrim -  people of the street, 
Human emotion: excitement , septic

The "Bad" genius Caravaggio, a King of drama, a real director of film, producing the drama, living in the drama, , unfortunately his life is ended in a tragedy, died at age of 37, in the way back to Rome after many years exile.

Baroque is all about emotion and motion before moving into the time of the reason, code - Classism

Caravaggio, a leading artist in Baroque art movement, Master of Drama,, of light and darkness, his art have inspired the artists of many generation .
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