(2010-05-03 10:02:19)
Memory of this marriage.
There were no family, no friends, no flowers, no music, only him, me, the pastor and his wife and daughter in the pastor's house. We got married. I felt sad. The wedding was held like a joke. It was not a bit like what I dreamed of. I didn't feel like a bride. We didn't even take any pictures(I forgot why). I remember how much I wanted to have some photos taken at Chinatown. But He said it was too expensive.
I cann't believe how could I marry him!? He is timid, quiet, boring, unorganizing and nongood-looking. I was young and pretty. Maybe there were too much presure from my parents and he said he loved me. The first year of marriage was fine. I felt some happyness and sometimes I thought that feeling could be lifetime long.
But I was wrong. Two years later, my daughter was born. She brought me extreme joy as a new mom and a much busier life. I was still going to school at the time when she was born. So his parents came to take care of the baby. That was when I realized how irresponsible and selffish he is.
Since his mom came, I tried to do as much house works as I could to please and to get along with his mom. With her instigation, he become really lazy. Very soon, he got used to watching me doing everything at home.
When baby was 10 month old, she got cold. I gave her medicine, but it didn't work for her. She couldn't sleep at night. I had to hold her straight up and put her head on my shoulder so that she could get some rest. By doing that, I didn't get any sleep for two days. The 3rd night, I was exhausted and asked him for help. He took her for 1 hour , then he gave her back to me and said he was too tired.
Before his mom went back to China, she told him move to the other bedroom when she left so that the baby wouldn't interrupt his sleeping during night. Then he did.
You are very right. The key word is SHARING but not everyone understand it. When you share works you get a share of happyness and family fun too.
That mean share burden and workload and fun together.