2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2017 (75)
2018 (60)
無肢島距Jacksonville 大約45英俚,開車隻要30分鍾左右。那裏有渡假村和眾多高級賓館,經常有很多會議。今年3月去了一次。那裏隻是海灘和不少飯店。那裏的海鮮很好吃。
1. Beach
2. Beach
3. Beach
4. Town Center
5. Town Center
6. Town Center
7. Enjoying sunshine and waiting for food falling from sky
8. Enjoying sunshine and waiting for food falling from sky
9. Enjoying sunshine and waiting for food falling from sky
10. Food, food, food are coming!
11. Give to me, give to me!
12. To me, to me, to me!
13. It is mine, it is mine!
14. I am full, really very full. You see, the food is up to my neck!