Pooh and tiger//kanga and rabbit
(2012-03-20 14:56:25)
最近總是讀winnie Pooh故事。 昨晚我和嘟嘟睡覺時我聽他一個人躺在床上whisper。我聽出他是在說pooh的故事,開始並沒有太在意。聽著聽著,我覺得,不對啊,嘟嘟到底是在說pooh and tiger,還是pooh and eyeore啊。因為我聽到bouce on ahead, 但我也聽到 kanga and rabbit。 於是我就挨近他仔細聽,差點沒有把我笑翻。嘟嘟說得是,
Kanga sings a song while rabbit bouces ahead. ... Kanga looked at this way and that way, but she still can't find rabbit. "bother" she said, if I were rabbit where would I be. I bet I would be bouceing up in the air. ..
嘟嘟記住了故事,更上一層摟的是,他把pooh and tiger 換成了 kanga and rabbit.